Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Does Ovulation Discharge Look Like


Bush is generally regarded as the worst president in U.S. history.
The Americans themselves think so and say so publicly, and, although both in office and in life, began to be seen in cinemas of feature films relating to him and criticize him harshly.
The great difficulty of the current candidate McCain derive primarily from belonging to the same party as Bush. While not to take more risks, the American people in the White House will send a black man, rather inexperienced and unprepared, the specific gravity equal to zero. The President shall not
and 'was not defended by the Republicans, who have avoided - like AIDS - during the election campaign, rejecting an unwelcome presence that would take them to a sure defeat.
And, for further evidence, not more than a few days ago the same Republican senators have rejected the first budget package proposed by the administration, therefore, while unsuccessful for not having a majority in the Chambers, have strongly opposed and criticized.
The damage that Bush has done are there for all to see and it will take decades to correct them.
its wars of aggression have all failed in a sea of \u200b\u200bdeath, torture and lies.
has weakened all the main points international law.
has killed 4000 Americans, lead to madness others 6000, destroying two countries and two territories contaminating just for the sake of power.
He walked the democratic foundations of their country and removed the guarantees of freedom 'to its citizens, and conducted them with muddy inhuman and atrocious abroad.
It produced the government of the oil companies and corporations who have spread death and abuse everywhere.
has supported an economic system that so far this year has increased by 100 million the world's poor and reduced to the pavement with the Americans dammosa wave that has reverberated around the world.
has eliminated the few laws that Clinton era riuscito a far approvare per mettere a freno la speculazione finanziaria e ha pensato solo agli interessi delle classi agiate, cui ha pensato il libero mercato a ridurre poi la ricchezza, mentre i poveri diventavano sempre piu’ poveri e disperati.
Ha inquinato il clima globale difendendo lo stile di vita americano contro il diritto alla vita del mondo.
Ha portato il suo paese ad un deficit economico insostenibile e ad un tasso di disoccupazione che non si vedeva da decenni e ne ha macchiato l'immagine internazionale.
Il nome dell'America e i neocon del suo staff muoiono insieme a lui nell'ignominia e nella spudoratezza in una crisi che durerà anni e rovinera’ le economie di quasi tutti i paesi the planet. Just the other day
Berlusconi called Bush "a man of great principles, great ideals, great vision, but especially one who has the courage to pursue this vision. In him I have never seen the political calculation but the spontaneity ' and the sincerity 'of those who believe in what he does. "
A President who will be remembered by history, according to the Italian premier.
Perhaps for this brutality, neither candidate wanted to meet him.
But who believes that he really say what he thinks?


Monday, October 6, 2008

What Does A Mississippi Riverboat Look Like

Ethics of balloons

Ethics of balloons


* of publishing the text of Marco Travaglio .

"Good morning, everyone.
The watchword has launched the Knight the other day. The words I quote because they are delicate," We must absolutely bring back ethics to the world of finance. "
Segnatevela, keep in mind. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister, October 4, 2008: "Restoring ethics in finance." Perhaps it was the feast of St. Francis that led to these thoughts, so far from his world. Or maybe it's the closeness with her daughter Barbara, who in those days had launched a conference on "Ethics in Financial Affairs at the university. And she had brought the mother, because maybe no one believed that those who organized a conference on ethics in finance could be the daughter of Berlusconi.
"Ethics in finance, this is the teaching that We wanted to launch the premier. It has even launched broadcast worldwide by the European summit where you try to salvage this hijacked and ruined capitalism now left out of any rule, even from their own, that there are not many.
So we need to discuss ethics in finance, from our Prime Minister, that we are recommending it. As he spoke, he spoke at the conference of young daughter rampant Milan - you know that the daughter of the Knight is part of a coterie of young thinkers and young rich, but ethical, to which also belong to the son of La Russa and I think one of the sons of Ligresti (if this is the son of Ligresti learned ethics from his father, while This was in prison, taking advantage of that brief period in which the father could not negatively affect it.
know that in '92-'93, the days of "Clean Hands" when the law was the same for everyone at least in Milan, Salvatore Ligresti was a regular at the prison of San Vittore prison in Opera and then it has bargained for more than two years of corruption in the sense that Craxi and parties paid for his own business and then of course went through the ranks and now we have the children explain ethics, assieme alla figlia di Berlusconi). E poi abbiamo Tronchetti Provera. Tronchetti Provera ieri sera, nel programma di Fabio Fazio ha dato una grande lezione di etica nell'impresa spiegando che appunto tutto questo casino intorno allo scandalo Telecom è finito nel nulla, era una invenzione dei giornali. Scusate se controllo, ma vorrei essere preciso. Visto che quando qualcuno va in televisione a raccontare la verità tutti si scusano e tutti chiedono il contraddittorio.Quando invece uno va a raccontare delle balle, come nel caso di Tronchetti Provera, nessuno si scusa e nessuno chiede un contraddittorio.
Eppure qualche giornalista che fosse in grado di raccontare le verità a fianco delle bugie di Tronchetti Provera ieri sera a "Che tempo che fa" non ci would have been bad, just in ethics and transparency that we all teach from Tronchetti Provera, who also received compliments from the Littizzetto to be a big handsome man. Well, Tronchetti Provera, who said he was not aware of virtually nothing, as if nothing had happened, he brought his company, even former company because then he escaped just in time, in a rather embarrassing situation, because Telecom, in the process to Tavaroli and other spies of Telecom - the head of security of Telecom, Tavaroli, not suppliers, Tronchetti Provera said last night that did all the suppliers of security, no!
The main defendant is the head the security of Telecom, chosen by him, and Pirelli, chosen by him. Confirmed in a company, chosen in the other. Vendors working for Tavaroli, who worked for Tronchetti Provera. Tronchetti said: "It turns out we had nothing to do." Absolutely false. Telecom has been charged with the Pirelli as a society in the process of illegal spying done by the respective security. Tavaroli is not true that it's not clear who to work when they did file. According to prosecutors in Milan, Tavaroli made these cases for the Telecom and Pirelli's Tronchetti Provera.
None went on to say that those files them by direct Tronchetti Provera and none went on to say Tronchetti Provera to view those files. But those files were made in the interests of Telecom and Pirelli, who were led by Marco Tronchetti Provera.
So much so that according to the famous No. 231, which provides that the responsibility not only of individuals but also legal persons, in the process to Tavaroli the 9000 dossier on employees, journalists, politicians, managers, competitors, will see the two companies charged that at the time were led by Tronchetti Provera.
Now we must change the name to Tronchetti Provera Tronchetti Where we call it. Tronchetti because he knows nothing. He has never known anything. It is not the only case. You know that Tronchetti Provera has a history.
Abbiamo Romiti che guidava la FIAT che pagava i partiti, pagava tangenti in Italia e all'estero, ma non sapeva niente, facevano tutti i suoi manager.
Poi nessuno è stato cacciato, quando l'hanno preso con le mani nel sacco, anzi l'hanno promosso. Visto che funzionava è arrivato anche Berlusconi, che ha detto: io non so niente, sono i miei dipendenti che fanno tutto; i miei avvocati che comprano i giudici, i miei manager che comprano la Guardia di Finanza, mio fratello che si compra questo e quello, ma io non ne so niente.
E passano tutti per dei grandi imprenditori, per dei cervelli superiori. Pensate, sono circondati da ladri e non se ne sono mai accorti. Anzi, i ladri li hanno scelti loro, e quando se ne sono accorti and found that they were thieves, instead of putting them promoted to the door.
Romiti them promoted in the company, Mr Berlusconi in parliament and government. Tronchetti Provera said: "We sent our way when we discovered." Absolutely not. Tavaroli was sent away when the first rumors started to leak. He was sent to Romania and then was taken in the company. They had to wait to get rid of virtually the eve of the arrest. Anyway, if it were true that Tronchetti Provera did not know what he did Tavaroli in the next office, it would be a bit 'heavy for its image as an entrepreneur. Because every year
Telecom gave Tavaroli and his gang of 50 to 60 million euro, money Telecom, however, no one asked how he spent, as they reported.
He was there that accumulated dossier, gave him 50 million to 60 million and no one asked him what he did all that bendidìo. Judges ruled that he needed to constitute a conspiracy that illegally spied on thousands of people, say the judges, in the interest of society. " In the interest of Telecom, Tronchetti Provera, who knew nothing and who goes around bragging about saying "but I do not know anything."
But what is there to brag? But go and hide! You'd better figure to say: "I knew it, but I was afraid."
Because at least it would be a more credible. At least demonstrate that they have a brain. If, however, keep saying "he did everything, we gave 50 million to 60 million and did not know how to used them, but that managers are, but that an entrepreneur you are, but you're an idiot!
him if he has, so glad he ...
But it is clear: he wants maximum transparency and the highest ethics in business, God forbid. Has only just become vice-chairman of Mediobanca, headed by a man who has more hair-processes: the famous Cesare Geronzi.
Cesare Geronzi is what led the Bank of Rome to the merger with Unicredit's Profumo, had the presidency of Mediobanca. As chairman of Mediobanca has begun to do the devil because he wants to four comandare soltanto lui quindi ha cercato di mandare via dei manager indipendenti.
Si è intronato come padrone unico, e nei ritagli di tempo ha un processo per il fallimento del gruppo Italcase Bagaglino dove è già stato condannato in primo grado.
Pensate, un banchiere condannato per bancarotta!
Poi ha alcuni processetti collaterali, tipo due o tre per l'affare Parmalat, uno per l'affare Cirio e un paio di imputazioni per usura, una delle quali è già caduta e l'altra vedremo.
Pensate: un banchiere imputato per usura e per alcune bancarotte, le più celebri al mondo, prima di Lehman Brothers cioè Parmalat e Cirio. Non ne ha persa una! Due su due. Presidente di Mediobanca, del comitato di controllo, del comitato di sorveglianza ecc.
Bene, i vicepresidenti di questo gentiluomo d'altri tempi, anche lui ovviamente scatenato per l'etica degli affari - figuriamoci, Geronzi e l'etica negli affari - da una parte Marina Berlusconi, per conto del Cavaliere, e dall'altra parte Marco Tronchetti Provera.
Questi sono un po' i controllori di Geronzi, pensate in che mani è finita Mediobanca!
Mediobanca è quella dove c'era Cuccia... adesso c'è questa triade: Geronzi, Tronchetti Provera, Marina Berlusconi, tutti per l'etica negli affari, ci mancherebbe altro!
Marina poi ha anche un modello in famiglia come il Cavaliere...
Tronchetti è anche entrato nella cordata CAI, la cordata a cui stiamo regalando the healthy part of Alitalia while we pay the diseased part. And logs can be found in there with Emma Marcegaglia, herself the other day: "Enough of this financial merry! Business ethics."
She also has some good models in the family ... I took some notes here: the Marcegaglia group, which is not a group of the same name is his own and his family, founded by her father, Steno Marcegaglia, and managed by his father, his brother and sister, he bargained this year for corruption , the Court of Milan, for a bribe that the group Marcegaglia in 2003 had paid to a manager at Eni. The branch was Eni Power, in exchange for a contract.
The settlement provides for a fine of 500,000 €, billion lire. More
him have confiscated 250,000. It's not a bad decision of the court and they defended themselves heroically saying it is not true: they have the negotiated, the pain!
Marcegaglia Spa: € 500,000 fine, confiscated 250,000 €. Another company controlled by
Marcegaglia, the SPA NECCT had another fine of 500,000 euro 5 million and even confiscation of 10 billion lire. Bargained eh!
not enough, then there are penalties for the leader: vice president, Antonio Marcegaglia, brother of Emma, \u200b\u200bwho has bargained eleven months in prison.
The father, however, was convicted along with the Geronzi bancarotta del gruppo Italcase Bagaglino: si era beccato quattro anni e un mese, mentre Geronzi un anno e 8 mesi se non ricordo male.
Sapete chi c'era insieme a Geronzi e a Marcegaglia senior tra i condannati del Gruppo Italcase Bagaglino? Colaninno! Roberto, il padre - il figlio si batte per l'etica negli affari come ministro ombra del PD all'industria ed è stato zitto sulla cordata paterna per l'Alitalia.
Il padre, Roberto Colaninno, quello che aveva così ben meritato alla Telecom che aveva riempito di debiti prima di passarla a Tronchetti Provera, capofila dei capitani coraggiosi delle trasvolate della nuova Alitalia, è stato condannato alla stessa pena di Steno Marcegaglia: 4 anni e un mese per bancarotta. Anche lui, ovviamente, for ethics in business: he has just released a un'inervista Republic which proclaims even to the left. It 'very progressive, very close to the values \u200b\u200bof liberalism and it is for business ethics, God forbid! 4 years and one month for bankruptcy in Brescia, in the first instance.
Along with this wonderful company we also know that Marcellino Gavio which entered into jail several times in the time of Tangentopoli ... even occasionally tried to make them fit but he was always on the run, then could not take it! Then he surrendered, he ordered his right arm, owner of all the charges, but recently it has caught a conviction at first instance also investigating him for breach of confidentiality.
Here, these are all of course, these days, triggered by business ethics!
This is because you know it.
There are problems in the biggest Italian bank, the bank that combines the old and Unicredit Bank of Rome, presided over by Profumo. Scent is another standard-bearer of ethics in business, vote in the primaries of the Democratic Party, do you see as vote in the primaries. It is also probably one of value, it can be a victim of international speculation or politics. It 'the only one who is holding his head in Geronzi, however, after drawing that into him. Well, its vice president - Unicredit - is Fabrizio Palenzona.
Fabrizio Palenzona, according to the Milan magistrates who have followed the investigation of the bank takeover, has taken a million euro - he denies, we will see - from the Banca Popolare di Lodi Giampiero Fiorani, to defend the band of the hole in 2005 that he wanted to grab the Antonveneta. Then the two climbs ... Someone will remember, is a type burly, huge. E 'was President of the Province of Alessandria for Daisy, it is now very close to Berlusconi and is being investigated for complicity in infidelity sheet, we'll see how it ends the investigation, just for that one billion that executives Fiorani & C. Popolare di Lodi's say you gave him, asserted that the good guys, who they were.
They too are of course on Ethics in finance, God forbid!
Sono tutti per l'etica nella finanza.
Resta Berlusconi, che abbiamo lasciato da parte perché ha la fortuna di poter mentire, raccontare quello che vuole tanto non c'è nessuno che lo smentisce e quando non c'è lui in grado di mentire, perché distratto, ha altro da fare, qualche ragazza da sistemare, cose così, c'è Bruno Vespa che mente per conto suo. Vespa è il bugiardo in seconda, sta in panchina nella squadra dei bugiardi, quando Berlusconi esce, entra Vespa. L'altra sera Vespa faceva un Porta a Porta. Da una parte c'erano Di Pietro e Rosy Bindi, dall'altra Cicchitto e Gasparri, le due teste più fini del popolo della libertà.
A un certo punto ha smesso di arbitrare il match e si è messo to crush one of the guests.
Guess who? Di Pietro. He started beating him were charged with having persecuted Berlusconi, he said, would have had 26 jobs, says this Vespa. Peter tried to explain that he had had 33 in Brescia, only that it has always been acquitted while Berlusconi almost never. And
Vespa began to shout: "From the 26 trials, except for four year, Berlusconi has always been acquitted." Then
Di Pietro said: "No, there are also the requirements", Vespa then said: "It is true, four have gone to prescription but all the other 18 in acquittal, for example, that the bribes to the Guardia di Finanza acquitted filled with formula. "
Then he said: "It 's fault that all these processes have been born after he went into politics," hinting that they were born because he went into politics, to hit politically.
E Di Pietro said: "No, some had started before." And Vespa: "There is even the case of purchase by the Milan Lentini who was the same as the acquisition by Dino Baggio of Juventus, both purchased with funds only blacks that Berlusconi was convicted while Agnelli for Juventus has not even been called to testify. "
He started to tell lots of lies, one after another so that it is physically impossible to trim down and removing them all. I want to do that here, in these few minutes that remain with me, just because you feel this dance for years and still feel for ever and ever.
So it is good to know that is not true. It is not true at all. All that said Vespa. Not that there were doubts, but I also say other things. The fact that Vespa
mind believes it is now common knowledge, common knowledge.
I tell you as things went, then you can check: luckily there are tools to check. Meanwhile
Vespa said that Berlusconi was made "only" four ad personam "laws, as if there was a bonus that can take advantage of a premier.
In fact you could not do even one, however, Berlusconi has made it 16.
Decreto Biondi nel '94, Legge Tremonti per gli sconti fiscali alle aziende - compresa la Fininvest - nel '94, rogatorie nella successiva legislatura presieduta da Berlusconi, falso in bilancio, Cirami, Maccanico, Schifani, Ex-Cirielli, Gasparri, decreto salva-Rete 4, legge Frattini sul conflitto di interessi, condono fiscale, condono ambientale, legge Pecorella che aboliva il processo di appello per il PM, e in questa legislatura legge blocca processi, legge Alfano e prossimamente legge sulle intercettazioni.
Figuratevi se sono quattro. Sono sedici.
Seconda balla: non è vero che Berlusconi ha avuto i suoi primi processi dopo la discesa in campo nel '94.
Nell'83, undici anni prima della discesa in campo, la Guardia di Finanza indagava su Berlusconi per traffico di droga. Inchiesta poi archiviata.
Nel 1989 Berlusconi dichiara il falso davanti al Tribunale di Venezia, che sta processando i giornalisti Guarino e Ruggeri che hanno scritto il primo libro inchiesta su Berlusconi, sul "Signor TV", e che Berlusconi ha trascinato in Tribunale indirettamente denunciando giornalisti che hanno recensito quel libro. Gli chiedono se è vero se si fosse iscritto alla P2, lui dice due balle sulla P2: non ho mai ricevuto la tessera, non ho mai pagato la quota. In realtà ha ricevuto la tessera, ha pagato la quota, risulta tutto per atti. Lui mente alla giustizia, viene incriminato per falsa testimonianza. La Corte d'Appello lo dichiara colpevole ma amnistiato perché nel frattempo Parliament approved the amnesty of 1990. Two processes
personally to him, an investigation and a trial, before taking the field. Then start
Clean Hands. Clean Hands discovers a series of crimes committed by all principal collaborators of Berlusconi. In 1993 have already become his brother in jail, Brancher, Roncucci ... a lot of managers Publitalia, dell'Edilnord and Fininvest group paid bribes to have the landfill in exchange for the sale of property to the pension fund Edilnord Cariplo funds Pubblitalia of blacks. There is already standing in the business of funds blacks in Milan.
short, missing only Berlusconi, as often happens in the investigation, rising to a position at some point it will reach the boss. Ed è proprio in questa fase, per evitare di essere incriminato oppure per esserlo una volta entrato in Parlamento, che Berlusconi si butta in politica.
Vi ricorderete che diceva sempre a Biagi e Montanelli che poi l'hanno raccontato: "se non vado in politica vado in galera e fallisco per debiti". Quindi, non è vero che le indagini partono dopo la discesa in campo: le indagini partono prima e la discesa in campo è il risultato delle indagini.
E' esattamente il contrario di quel che dice lui, che attribuisce le indagini come risultato della sua discesa in campo. Infatti, lo ha scritto nero su bianco il GIP di Brescia Bianchetti a cui Berlusconi aveva denunciato il pool di Milano accusandolo proprio di averlo attaccato politicamente. "L'impegno The complainant's political and investigations against him do not arise in the relationship of cause and effect. The continuation of investigations already started - before taking the field - and the opening of further investigations linked in any way they can brand themselves as judicial activity originated from the desire to punish the political commitment of the suspect occurred. "Exactly it is likely that the political commitment of the suspect is the result of the inquiries that were coming to him.
Third: Berlusconi did not have 26 processes, but 15. Vespa does not know what he says.
* Five processes are underway: Saccà corruption, corruption of senators, judicial corruption Mills, funds blacks Mediaset, Telecinco in Spain. Ongoing ma congelati dal lodo Alfano.
Altri dieci processi si sono già conclusi. Poi, certo, ci sono anche le indagini ma quelle sono state archiviate, non sono processi, ed erano quelle per mafia, per riciclaggio, per concorso nelle stragi del '92 e '93.
Dieci processi conclusi. Come si sono conclusi, sempre assolto come dice Vespa? Ma nemmeno per sogno!
E' stato assolto solo tre volte, nel merito. Due con formula dubitativa, cioè per la vecchia insufficienza di prove che adesso è assorbita dal comma 2 dell'articolo 530 cioè quando la prova è insufficiente o non regge: per i fondi neri della Medusa Cinema e per le tangenti alla Guardia di Finanza, insufficienza probatoria. Non formula piena: formula dubitativa.
La formula piena l'ha avuta una sola volta per il caso SME-Ariosto, reato di corruzione giudiziaria. Altre due assoluzioni, il processo All Iberian falso in bilancio e il processo SME-Ariosto falso in bilancio, recano questa formula: "Il fatto non è più previsto dalla legge come reato". Traduzione: era reato quando l'ha commesso, se avesse lasciato le cose come stavano veniva condannato, ma lui l'ha depenalizzato appena andato al governo.
Si è assolto da solo per legge, altro che formula piena! Per il resto, abbiamo visto tre assoluzioni di cui due dubitative, due autodepenalizzazioni del reato, rimangono cinque processi.
Come si sono conclusi? Due con l'amnistia, falsa testimonianza sulla P2 e falso in bilancio sui terreni Macherio, then there are the requirements.
We said three acquittals, two with a formula uncertain and filled with formula, two acquittals for autodepenalizzazione and make five, ten processes are finished.
The other five as they go? Statute of limitations. Five out of ten.
Also, thanks to the extenuating circumstances as we know that the innocent are not allowed. To the innocent from the attenuating by the acquittal.
E 'on the offenders who are given the mitigating factors, if not, do you have to mitigate?
extenuating circumstances for such processes? All Iberian, blacks funds to Craxi, 23 billion in Switzerland, Lentini, false accounting for the funds with which blacks were paid at the Torino Calcio Lentini, 88 bogus accounts of Fininvest al '92, bilancio consolidato Fininvest nel quale non erano stati scritti 1500 miliardi di fondi neri parcheggiati su 64 società Off shore, prescrizione anche questo.
Mondadori, infine, corruzione del giudice Metta da parte di Previti con soldi della Fininvest per portare via la Mondadori a De Benedetti.
Voi vedete che queste prescrizioni sono determinate dalle attenuanti generiche ma anche, per i casi di falso in bilancio, dalla riforma del falso in bilancio che per la parte per cui il falso in bilancio è rimasto ancora reato, ha diminuito le pene quindi accorciato la prescrizione.
Si è auto prescritto nei casi di falso in bilancio.
Voi vedete che, dunque, per le mazzette alla finanza Vespa mentiva, non c'è nessuna formula piena: insufficienza probatoria.
Voi vedete che il caso Lentini non era analogo a quello di Dino Baggio. Dino Baggio fu pagato con dei fondi che provenivano dal patrimonio personale dell'Avvocato Agnelli che fece una donazione, quindi formalmente non commise un reato.
Invece Berlusconi e Galliani i soldi neri per pagare Lentini al Torino li presero dalle casse occulte del gruppo Fininvest, non nel bilancio ufficiale, e per questa ragione Berlusconi fu indagato.
Poi il processo finì in prescrizione grazie alla legge che lui stesso aveva fatto sul falso in bilancio.
Vespa, quando dice che Berlusconi non è stato condannato per Lentini, mente per l'ennesima volta.
Questa è, in estrema sintesi - scusate se oggi mi have dwelt a bit 'more - ethics in finance and these are the people who are responsible for reporting ethics in finance.
This week, two suggestions: one, keep at bay the pocket, as if these are the ethics of the teachers hold at bay the finance portfolio, second, spread the word! "

processes have so far to the Knight 17: 5 in progress (Saccà corruption, corrupt senators, judicial corruption Mills, funds blacks Mediaset, Telecinco in Spain) and 12 already completed, plus a number of investigations store (6 per mafia and money laundering, Mafia 2 for the massacres of 1992-'93, etc.).. In summary, detail. In the 12 processes that are already closed, the acquittals on the merits are only 3: 2 with formula doubt (paragraph 2 Art.530 cpp) for the funds blacks Medusa and kickbacks to the Finance ("insufficient evidence"), with a complete formula for the case Sme-Ariosto / 1. 2 more acquittals - All Iberian / 2 and Sme-Ariosto / 2 - bearing the words "the fact is no longer required by law as a crime" if the accused is decriminalized (false accounting). For the rest: 2 amnesties for false testimony about P2 and false accounting on the grounds of Macherio, and 5 requirements due to extenuating circumstances, you grant to blame, not the innocent: All Iberian / 1 (funding Illegal Craxi), Lentini case (false accounting reform with prescription halved by Berlusconi), 1988-'92 budgets Fininvest (as above), 1.5 trillion of funds blacks in the consolidated Fininvest (as above), Mondadori (corruption of the judicial court Put through Previti, both convicted). Marco Travaglio

Ethics of balloons