of you never wanted to dress your baby from pumpkin?? I just can not again this year, the potato has only 5 months .. it would be absurd, but the temptation is great! Even just to carry it around the streets of downtown and watch the surprised face of the people who saw this huge orange thing that capers around in the stroller! Anyway if I should wish to do this, I know my daughter does not ever forgive me ... In fact I want to tell what happened to me at the age of 6 years when I was already very capable of discernment! The episode refers to a carnival, but the trauma was so much that went on all the parties involved which included a dress form!
I get home from school and I communicate my intentions for the disguise of the carnival Mom: "Mom Mom Tuesday are the carnival and we have to go to school dressed in masks !!!!" can understand the excitement: a) people dress in mascheraaaaaaa b) does not goes to school that day, but played lying on the ground to roll, with his face all smeared with makeup and sweating as they could force-feed us that some of BigNet gentle mother has brought for the occasion! Therefore, expectations are high and the dress can not be outdone. We say that the age of reason is the first party in which I participate dressed in masks and they are certainly aware that my mother gave me twenty had previously led to some little party dressed in something disgusting and unworthy come solo le mamme sanno fare finchè hanno il completo potere decisionale sui propri figli... (è una ruota che non s'interromperà mai.. adesso lo faccio io a Cloe, lei lo farà ripagare a sua figlia e così via...) Decido che voglio un abito anch'io, anzi L'ABITO. La mia richiesta è: Barbie Fior di Pesco! Uno splendido abito tutto tulle e nastri, ovviamente color pesco e per il quale si prevede un trucco fine ed elegante come una principessa... sì perchè barbie fior di pesco, essendo uscito negli anni in cui andava di moda guardare i classici disney come Cenerentola, pretende di far rivivere, indossandolo, la fase finale da principessa di Cinderella.. Immaginatevi la mia attesa, ogni giorno mi waiting for the mom or dad to come home with the magic box that contained the beautiful dress but as the days went by and nothing came my mother told me that there was time and not to worry ..... I thought, I will make a surprise and will be even better than I can imagine .. so I will not annoy them with questions as usual! will be with the veil or the train was dancing and dreaming with my angelorso front of the mirror . Then I went to my little pony, and told him that if one of these days they saw a princess in the room and not the usual tomboy would not have caused worry because I was always me! And to think that I was right tomboy princess apparel so this request was just caught off guard all .. Meanwhile
to school the first leaks were revealed on the clothes of my companions: Thomas-Silvester, Silvia-Blue Fairy, Matthew, a dwarf of the Princess etc etc. I did not have anyone!! And go! I'll be under the gaze of all! (What a beautiful time still no one wanted to dress nice to go to school because the boy's first bank to look at us ... we were still blessed and naive males were an entirely unknown quantity to stay well away ...! ).
On Monday, the mother finally returns with a new bag at home! Here it is! I had the courage to look so I think I got the envelope with your eyes closed and that I enjoyed that moment as long as possible to! But oh my God ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........
is fine pescoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo barbie!
Mom used to my constant head shots thought it was a silly request came from the vision of a new board, with a princess and that would have disappeared after 5 minutes! So to be sure he had taken a timeless: THE CLOWN CICO to be exact. The
Next morning I wanted to die I think I even cried and my mom thinking of doing better, I did a trick: a) ugly, all-white in the face with eyes and mouth moron b) at the end of the day was all cast and maybe me I was also a little bit to eat!
Tutone The dress consisted of a full white satin collar and cuffs with turquoise, it had to fit within a circle type hula hoop that made it seem that you had the belly, of course surrounding the suit, the boots that I clown categorically rejected, and a bald wig and with reddish hair on the side that has forced me to put !!!!! oh mother looked crusty the clown!
I have all the photos but I still can not buttare giù l'umiliazione perciò non le pubblicherò!
Credo di non aver parlato con mia mamma per giorni! Avevo sbandierato le indiscrezioni sul mio vestito a tutti e quella mattina mi sono dovuta persino ripresentare a qualcuno che vedendo arrivare questa nanetta o nanetto con scritto davanti " Cico", faticava a riconoscermi!
Tanto ho odiato il carnevale e tanto sono stata male che l'anno dopo indovinate che abito mi hanno preso: Barbie fior di pesco! Mi sa che ormai era fuori moda ma ho molto apprezzato lo stesso!
Perciò se siete indecisi su come vestire il vostro bimbo quest'anno pensateci due volte.. a me la cosa ha traumatizzato al punto che in fase adulta non mi sono mai voluta rivestire in maschera e odio il carnevale ed halloween quasi alla stessa maniera! L'unica cosa positiva è che le feste di halloween erano fichissime perchè il giorno dopo si dormiva sempre, motivo in più per prendere delle ciucche clamorose durante la settimana (in fase 20 anni ovviamente! non alle elementari si intende!!) e l'unica cosa fica di carnevale invece sono i cenci e la schiacciata alla fiornetina, oltre ai "bimbi travestiti"! Per il resto i travestimenti non fanno proprio per me! Ma con questo lascerò totale libertà di scelta alla patata.... giuro non la umilierò mai così!!!!!!
Mhhhh amore hai visto però quella zucchetta con le calze a righe... così tenera.. che facciamo gliela we ??????????
costume pumpkin is tender but not?!
; ;
; divine peach blossom barbie! can you imagine the dress carnival?!
; ; ;