Friday, November 6, 2009
Whiten Old Baby Shawl
AlSereno di Alleanza è una polizza infortuni che si compone di due coperture principali: invalidità permanente e diaria da ricovero.
È la polizza che si prende cura dell'assicurato in caso di infortunio professionale ed extraprofessionale, consentendogli di affrontare con maggiore serenità gli imprevisti della vita.
E' possibile aggiungere alle garanzie di base le coperture seguenti:
* caso morte: pagamento in caso di morte per infortunio della somma assicurata per invalidità permanente;
* assistenza: comprende una serie di prestazioni garantite in caso di necessità, uguali per tutti i pacchetti.
La durata del prodotto è fissata in 5 anni, senza tacito rinnovo.
Who is
* Who wants to be protected financially in case of injury.
* Workers who are employed or self-employed, who want to hedge against the unexpected result of an accident at work.
ACCESSORY COVERS ARE ACTIVE individually or jointly.
Therefore, it is a product that gives you financial protection in case an accident occurs, through two major shells:
SHELTER ALLOWANCE In addition, you can choose your level of coverage in three packages available:
which differ in the sum insured and amount of that payment.
The allowance provides that, where an accident occurs, the payment amount provided by the package chosen for each day of hospitalization in case of admission in an institute of care, both in Italy and abroad.
For more information go directly to the airline's website.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Prefnant Masterbation
Adnkronos : "The sentence of the courts of Milan after four hours of deliberation. In the first instance in British law had been inflicted 4 ½ years in prison for corruption in judicial acts. His lawyers: ''will appeal to the Supreme Court.''Lodo Mondadori, set at the December 1 hearing in the Council Chamber for a final decision on the group ordered to pay 750 mln euro to Cir "
Sayings For Rhyming Birthday Invitations
Image by Left and Freedom via Flickr
I've already heard this one.
means: "will continue to keep their eyes closed on the great" democratic Italian anomaly ".
I do not think at this point, that after 15 years (where he ruled only four years), the so-called
opposition, did not understand that without taking away from the hands of Silvio
the monopoly of television and turn on a serious anti-trust policy, the fate of the state are
marked, and the authoritarian drift is inevitable.
now I am convinced of the "collusion" of the Party (PD) that rises to the only alternative
overflowing (with their) power to Berlusconi.
I have also heard the affair of the demonization of Silvio : The world has
aware of our democratic emergency, every day hundreds of newspapers pay
rivers of ink on our appalling situation, but our opposition
not beat an eyelash.
I can quote thousands of episodes where my statement is amply confirmed, as for example the matter of
vote on the tax shield (a boon to organized crime
, and the "white collar" that move the wires of the PD ), or the 258 pages of
program signed by millions of voters in recent primaries which was not implemented
one line (the left "radical" was taken out and Veltroni members because she asked loudly
the application of that program).
"The new look at the PD center."
E 'is the real problem.
No one here is a communist. I am a liberal.
It is precisely for this reason that we know that no monopoly or dominant market
especially in the context of information and especially when this power is poured
directly in politics, we are facing a real coup that 'opposition
pretends not to see.
With Berlusconi, was never time to do "soft opposition".
In the few years that has not been in power has taught us that all weapons are lecite.
Sbraita, è ossessivo, lancia un unico messaggio: dimissioni ed elezioni.
E' arrivato anche a pensare di piazzare "donnine" (che lui chiama cash), nei letti di senatori che reggevano la "risicata" maggioranza di Prodi.
Sinceramente, sono stanco di questa Repubblica delle Banane, e questa opposizione non è altro che l'altra faccia della stessa medaglia di Silvio Berlusconi.
Il PD ha i suoi comitati d'affari, le stesse beghe, ed è disegnato simmetricamente al PDL.
Il PD ha una sola funzione: togliere dai pasticci Silvio Berlusconi nei momenti difficili per qualche mese, finche la gente dimentica (con lavaggi quotidiani del cervello con Mediaset e Rai), riacclamarlo as Savior and then the next election.
I've seen this pattern too many times already. not understand is as true idiots.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fibrositis In Shoulder
The integration of the two centers of excellence, one for damages based products sull'expertise Toro, the other for products based on the strength of Life Alliance, will allow the different networks commercial to propose a complete list of products and services for a diverse clientele of families, individuals, professionals and businesses.
In particular, the Network Alliance will draw upon the expertise gained from Toro in the sector Damage to enrich its offer with products to protect the family (auto, home, accident and sickness), while the goals of the group will benefit from the experience of Toro retail distribution alliance to strengthen its capacity to offer life insurance products and retirement savings, including through the strengthening of the CRP (Consultant Savings and Pensions) to support agencies.
The range of products for all distribution channels is complete and will also include specialized products such as legal protection, credit protection and financing of retail.
commercial networks will be able to count on even more extensive product offering of thanks to the synergy developed with the proposed merger. Read more.
How To Build A Fence With Corrugated Iron
From 1 October 2009, the Alliance activities have been transferred into a new company, Alliance
Toro SpA, operating in life and casualty branches and wholly owned by the Generali Group.
For more information visit
Friday, September 11, 2009
Red Swollen Fingers Swollen Cuticles
the fall of Berlusconi - Inside the headquarters of the Circles - admin
Posted using ShareThis
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Men Mastarbating Dolls
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Japanese Breast Feeding
Image by via Flickr London Summit
Silvio Berlusconi discredited on the international scene -
[Le Monde]
Silvio Berlusconi has finally acknowledged that the scandals about his life private "harm the ' Italy. "Look through the keyhole is bad for the country," has weighed in Giulio Tremonti, the economy minister, while Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic , has appealed to an unlikely "truce" between the media and Government at the next G8 summit held in the devastated city of L'Aquila (Abruzzo), 8 to 10 July.
accused by his wife - who filed for divorce - to "go to minors", then stated by his lawyer as "end user" of a network of call-girls, finally recognized by the courts as the "corrupter" of his former lawyer David Mills, chairman of the board not to play only his reputation, of which there is not much to save. The Knight must now groped to safeguard the image of Italy which had deteriorated in parallel to his. And his role on the International.
The challenge is enormous. For two months, the international press dispatches of ambassadors and describe a country where public and private scandals linked to the head of the government accumulate. The chairman of the board there is only worried about his own pleasure, while getting young girls in his residence in Rome for a fee, the same night of the election of Barack Obama .
Protected by a law to prevent any legal action against him during his term of office, enjoying of indulgence and the indulgence of some of the Italians, indifference and ignorance of others because of "service minimum "granted to these scandals by a public and private television enslaved, Berlusconi has not much to fear internally. The voices of resignation and the formation of a "technical government" have caused a run at the end of solidarity among those who were given as a possible successor to Berlusconi.
the contrary, the way it is seen by his colleagues he is not indifferent. Berlusconi, who claims to have the confidence of the "62%" of the Italians, now knows that his "charm" has much worse reception on the international scene. Initially, the organization of the G8 in a city affected by the earthquake, which cost the lives of 300 people on April 6, was intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Italian State. Today, it has become a test of the influence of Italy on the international scene, and the estimate of the credit enjoyed by Berlusconi among his colleagues.
His "young and tanned Obama" has no doubt marked the transition from divertimeno annoyance, embarrassment up. We still remember the prime minister, with the phone attached to your ear, wait to German Chancellor Angela Merkel , April 4 during the NATO summit. That day, Berlusconi has not caught up in perhaps the true meaning of the little shrug of the Registrar seemed to say: "Patience, we will do without him."
The last European Council in Brussels sounded the alarm bell. Despite the large victory of his party in European elections and the participation rate to embarrass envy of many other democracies, Berlusconi, without support, was unable to place its candidate for the presidency of the European Parliament as he had promised his supporters. By the way, had to undergo the following comment to two-way Hans Gert Pottering : "Even if someone in our family has a behavior that does not like it at all, it must have no effect on those who did not have that behavior." “Gli scandali di queste ultime settimane non hanno aiutato l’Italia” sottolinea l’inglese Graham Watson, capofila dei liberal-democratici.
Un “problema Berlusconi”? L’interessato continua a difendere il suo stile e la sua vita privata senza apparente rammarico - “agli italiani piaccio cosi”. Le domande tuttavia restano: il tentativo fallito di Fiat di prendere il controllo della tedesca Opel avrebbe avuto miglior sorte se la reputazione di Berlusconi e dell’Italia oltre il Reno fosse stata migliore? Obama avrebbe incluso una tappa romana durante il suo primo soggiorno europeo se il presidente del consiglio avesse evitato di fare una brutta battuta sul neo eletto?
Berlusconi deploys an intense diplomatic activity. After a lightning trip to Washington, receiving Mouammar Gaddafi in Rome, he was invited in Corfu for the Russia-NATO summit. But Wednesday, July 1, canceled at the last moment, his presence in Sirte (Libya) for a meeting of the African Union. He wants to prove that he is still "the friend of all, a hearing officer is rare and that Italy still weighs in international relations.
is not the first time that Berlusconi is facing a scandal and a summit. In 1994, Naples, his first G8 presidency coincided with the opening a judicial inquiry concerning him. Other investigations, other scandals have not prevented some international leaders to attend his villa in Sardinia, the fake volcano and perhaps his strange companions. Fourteen years later, who, in the G8 would be ready to take that risk?
[Original article "Silvio Berlusconi démonétisé sur la scène internationale" Philippe Ridet]
Naples business
What If The 2nd Line On A First Response
Image by 'Brizio via Flickr
Il coordinatore degli Usa per le sanzioni sulla Corea del Nord ha iniziato oggi i colloqui in Malaysia, forse anche sui legami che le banche hanno con le finanze di Pyongyang, mentre alcuni tra i missili lanciati ieri dal Paese potrebbero essere a medio raggio.
Ieri la Corea del Nord ha lanciato sette missili, secondo quanto riferito dal Ministero della Difesa sudcoreano, in un gesto di sfida nei confronti degli Stati Uniti nel giorno dell'Indipendenza, aumentando le tensioni provocate dal test nucleare condotto da Pyongyang a maggio.
"L'allerta è alta", ha detto una fonte del Ministero della Difesa sudcoreano precisando che non ci sono segnali su ulteriori lanci per oggi.
I lanci di missili, segnale che la Corea del Nord sta aumentando le tensioni, avranno probabilmente ripercussioni sul sentiment dei mercati asiatici all'apertura di domani anche se gli investitori non si aspettano un impatto notevole.
A quanto pare, la Corea del Nord ha lanciato due missili Rodong a medio raggio, che possono colpire tutto il territorio della Corea del Sud e gran parte del Giappone, e cinque missili Scud, che possono raggiungere la maggior parte della Corea del Sud, secondo quanto riferito dall'agenzia di stampa sudcoreana Yonhap che ha citato un funzionario di Seoul.
Il funzionario ha detto che due dei missili lanciati hanno compiuto il loro tragitto a una velocità superiore agli altri, precisando che si trattava di missili Rodong.
I missili hanno compiuto un tragitto di circa 420 chilometri e saranno necessari alcuni giorni per confermare che cosa è stato lanciato, sempre secondo il funzionario. Secondo le notizie di ieri si trattava solo di Scud.
Gli Scud e i Rodong sono missili balistici.
I lanci giungono proprio quando gli Usa hanno avviato un giro di vite sulle aziende sospettate di aiutare la Corea del Nord nei suoi commerci missilistici e sulle armi, soggetti alle sanzioni imposte dall'Onu in seguito al test nucleare.
Gli Usa potrebbero avere individuato molti conti bancari in Malaysia che si sospetta appartengano alla Corea del Nord e potrebbero congelarli nell'ambito del giro di vite, secondo la Yonhap che ha citato una fonte a Washington.
L'ambasciatore Usa Philip Goldberg, coordinatore americano per l'inasprimento della risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza Onu 1874, discuterà del tema con funzionari in Malaysia, secondo quanto riferito dalla fonte.
Yahoo! Notizie : "Corea del Nord potrebbe aver lanciato missile a media gittata"
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Fashion Tv Midnight Hotwithout Cloths
Image via Wikipedia
[ Le Matin ]
The extreme right launches the "Italian National Guard" to combat crime
"They accuse us of wanting to return to the" Blackshirts. " All we want is the safety of our citizens, "assures the Italian Social Movement (MSI). The Milan prosecutor
not feel the same way. Saturday opened an investigation into a training civil surveillance against crime.
The MSI has taken advantage of a national congress on Saturday to present his "Italian National Guard," says the newspaper "Il Corriere della Sera . This association
"non-political and non-profit organization, is composed of one third of former members of law enforcement. It declares that it already has 2100 volunteers in different regions of Italy: Piemonte, Lombardia , Lazio, Sicily .
But the public prosecutor in Milan is looking very favorably on these civilian patrols known as "Black Ronde." Justice in fact charge the MSI to break the law che proibisce (l’apologia, N.d.T.) del fascismo.
“La creazione della nostra formazione è completamente legale. Fino a che non dimostreranno che abbiamo commesso dei reati, andremo avanti”.
Come uniforme, i membri della “Guardia nazionale italiana” indossano una camicia grigia o kaki e pantaloni grigi con un bordino nero all’altezza delle gambe. Il copricapo sfoggia il simbolo dell’aquila imperiale romana con le iscrizioni “ SPQR ”. Il motto del gruppo è “Domine Dirige Nos” (Dio ci guida).
In Italia , le milizie civili di sorveglianza sono state da poco autorizzate.
[Articolo originale "La peste noire rôde dans les rues italiennes" di N.D.]
Sunday, May 24, 2009
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REPORTAGE - La popolazione di questa città del sud della Sicilia si ribella contro “la piovra”, la giustizia non la segue.
Lucia Lotti si strozza citando i titoli della stampa italiana: Gela sarebbe la città più mafiosa della Sicilia, la “pattumiera” d’Italia. Per il procuratore capo della procura antimafia, questi “stereotipi soffocanti” Gela who want to make the "prototype of a place lost forever" does not take into account the strong shooting in the city has shown. One shot that makes the [more] brutal threats to the heavy Prosecutor: between now and September, the Prosecutor is likely to be abandoned en masse by his deputies.
"The Court of Gela is home to the legality of the state," proclaims a poster of the Catholic organizations of the left, the ACLI. "You do not pay," said a large banner that bar the entrance door of City Hall. Following a phone number they can turn to those who want to denounce the "lace" (in the original text in Italian N.d.T.), il racket mafioso. Nel giro di qualche mese, quasi un centinaio di commercianti e piccoli industriali lo hanno fatto arrestare 850 membri della “piovra”. In tempi normali, è necessario un coraggio che sconfina nell’eroismo con l’eroismo per compiere il passo verso la legalità. La mafia ha buona memoria. Non è mai troppo tardi per regolare i suoi conti. Ma in questa città della costa Sud della Sicilia, dove è stato firmato il primo trattato di pace del mondo nell’anno 425 a.C., è nata una formidabile speranza. Su istigazione di magistrati determinati e di un dinamico sindaco di 58 anni, Rosario Crocetta, prende forma un movimento di rivolta civile.
Sarebbe ora. Alla fine degli anni 90, Gela largely deserved its reputation as an outpost of hell, a war between two rival organizations, Cosa Nostra and Stidda , local variation, 400 had died before the "families" to proclaim "peace mafia ". Gela now has 85,000 inhabitants (that) which makes it the fifth largest city in Sicily. Urban planning is anarchic, with its crumbling neighborhoods, its streets with no name, 14,000 illegal constructions, a petrochemical complex built in the '60s that looks great dream beaches and dozens of carcasses abandoned industrial. Not to mention the erratic distribution of water, which leaves the city dry for days.
Potere d’infiltrazione
“Gela sta cambiando”, afferma il carabiniere di turno davanti al palazzo di giustizia. Il procuratore arriva ben scortata nella sua BMW 330 blindata e guadagna rapidamente i suoi uffici. Più tardi, scrutata da decine di sguardi, condurrà il corrispondente di Le Figaro in un giro a piedi nella città, senz’altra protezione che una guardia del corpo. Storia che dimostra che una “passeggiata” sul Corso, che si riempie di gente la sera, non è molto più rischiosa che nella sua Genova natale.
Il pericolo, tuttavia, è onnipresente. Ogni anno, Gela conta 150 arson, simple acts of intimidation. With the financial crisis, usury and racketeering are booming. According to the mayor Crocetta, the "commissioning rule", otherwise known as the payment of "protection money", it costs on average € 500 per month to the merchant or industrialist. At Gela, 3000 would be in this situation. The unfortunate who can not pay must yield to the mob, through front men, unaparte of their activities, in which [the mob] recycles its gains.
infiltration of the mafia's power knows no bounds. In late March, Lucia Lotti has been arrested seven affiliated Stidda as a former terrorist. Were planning to kidnap a director of a bank Ragusa. One of them ran the yacht club, meeting place of the usual best companies Gela. The police have seized explosives and Kalashnikovs. The wiretaps have been decisive.
Another example: the president of a large cooperative of Gela, some Italian Stefano was struck by the justice. Had reported a gang that pillaged. But not to say that this band was recycled for substantial illicit funds. He tried to change becoming elected vice-chairman of the local anti-racketeering. "It could be Pirandello. It is not everyday that a miserable farce, "arises the playwright Silvia Grasso.
"Neither the time nor the means"
For Crocetta, Gela is the first city in Italy to have rebelled en masse against the Mafia. "The we are releasing," proclaims the mayor. Character uncommon in the Italian South conformist, this mayor, a communist and a homosexual, has been in office for seven years. In June 2007, was re-elected in the first round with 65% of the vote. He moved away from the mafia businesses public markets, the administration purged of its officers suspects, including the wife of a local boss, publicly denounced the leaders of clans and created a committee of four entrepreneurs struggle against the "lace". A "change epochal "he says. He lives under cover and moved in an armored car.
But the courthouse lacks effective. "In the short term, there will be no more replacements [prosecutors] to Gela," said another prosecutor, Anna Hemp. A law passed in 2007 prevents prosecutors from the left to recruit magistrates who have less than four years of service. Last competition, out of a hundred candidates, no one has volunteered to Gela. In September, once the temporary replacements, the court will have only a substitute Hemp instead of five. Lucia Cotti know the same situation.
Chief Prosecutor of the judicial district of Caltanissetta (Central Sicily) to which [the prosecutor] Gela and head of the anti-Mafia prosecutor, Sergio Lari track an alarming situation: "Unless a Palermo and Catania , most of the Sicilian prosecutors work with the 50% of its workforce. I have neither the time nor the means to close the investigation. " In addition there are reductions in funding: it has already spent € 70,000 allocated for the operating costs of 2009, the year before had had 400000. "Overall, we lost two thirds of the appropriations," he says.
At the end of the afternoon, the courthouse is strangely deserted. Corridors and empty offices. There were no police on duty to plan the prosecutor, however, has a close protection. The Italian justice system no longer has the means to pay. The Mafia took advantage.
[Original article "in Gela, the Mafia profire du" desert judiciaire '"Richard Heuzé]
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Im Back
skimming through the news tonight on the Internet.
The tv turned it off for a while, in the sense that I look a little more time. Information and inform me with the internet.
I'm not living the collective pathos that the Italian media are giving to an earthquake in the Abruzzi, and fear of do not know how to make a pretty distraught, not knowing how to say phrases of convenience rather mundane, such as those expressed by some people on the radio yesterday, live on radio 101. TV, you know, speculate on all the events and makes them show. I still remember a journalist (Naples), a few years ago, in an afternoon broadcast of RAI, ask the mother of a dead boy, "madam, but what are you trying?"
Since then I've changed a lot, and I think many like me have made the same choice: "I turned off the TV." But the rotten
sketches of "Italian official information", I have also reached on the network, with two articles of a certain Aldo Grasso, a journalist who writes for the Corriere della Sera.
Saviano, da you tube, nella sua lezione sul Giornalismo legato alla camorra, che scrive i titoli dal punto di vista della criminalità organizzata, potrebbe fare un analisi altrettanto lucida, sulla prospettiva di alcune testate che hanno una rilevanza di rango nazionale, e trarne le medesime conclusioni.
Parla del terremoto in Abruzzo, elogiando Bruno Vespa ed attaccando Santoro , sul modo in cui hanno costruito l'avvenimento disastroso degli scorsi giorni.
Non c'è che dire, l'autore di questi articoli, Aldo Grasso, è sicuramente un giornalista allineato, come ce ne sono migliaia in Italia. Tutti con la paura di raccontare la verità sulle cose, tutti con uno strano pudore che spesso si trasforma in paura, consapevoli di dover affrontare una situazione troppo dispendiosa, addirittura letale per le prorpie ambizioni ed aspirazioni.
Quando arriverà la resa dei conti con il giornalismo italiano (se arriverà), li sentiremo dire : " se non l'avessi fatto io l'avrebbe fatto qualcun altro ed io dovevo sopravvivere"......
La questione, "ruota" intorno a tre punti fondamentali di questo "regime": il piano casa (e l'abolizione di alcune norme di urbanistica in favore del caos), le centrali nucleari, ed il ponte sullo stretto.
L'italia è un paese altamente sismico, ed in questi tre progetti il "regime berlusconi" non potrà garantire la sicurezza in nessun modo.
I giornalisti, al posto di fare le telenovelas, potebbero segnalare questa emergenza, ma non lo fanno per non ledere gli interessi del duce.
Così fede fa il suo giro tra le macerie, facendo spuntare qua e la qualche lacrimuccia, Santoro pone i problemi sul tavolo, sottolineando anche che l'evento sismico era stato previsto.
Insomma fa il giornalismo vero raccontando la verità, "costi quel che costi".
Ad aldo Grasso voglio fare i migliori auguri per la sua carriera: abbiamo bisogno di giornalisti come te (allineati).
Omissis: processo mills, caso falcone e borsellino, conflitto di interessi, instaurazione regime in italia, indebolimento ed intimidazione deglia ltri poteri dello stato, detenzione di reti televisive e mezzi di informazione contro sentenze della corte europea, processo dell' utri, processo Previti, attentati del 92, il caso mangano, la p2.
I giornalisti italiani non parlano di tutto questo. Vanno a fare le telenovels tra le macerie, e spettacolarizzano il dramma di una madre.
Cittadini giornalisti
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What Is A California Brazilionwax
Gran Bretagna, attenuate le protezioni. Si prevede l'immunità per gli atti parlamentari e i voti espressi fin dal 1689. Una storia lunghissima confermata dalla prassi parlamentare e dalle convenzioni costituzionali. Nel passato il divieto di intrusione nella sfera parlamentare era tanto assoluto che non could not access to preparatory work to interpret legislation. Rigidity exceeded in the early '90s, since when it allows the subpoena for the lawmaker for defamation cases, and by extension for other common crimes. Parliamentarians can not still be arrested, but are subject to the sanctioning powers of the Chamber. The queen is final and enjoys absolute immunity. Not so for members of government can be held accountable both civilly and criminally also acts in the exercise of their functions.
France, for the ministers no barrier. The French Constitution states, in Article 26, which un parlamentare non è responsabile "per opinioni o voti espressi nell'esercizio delle sue funzioni". L'immunità vale sia in sede civile sia in sede penale. Sono esclusi però tutti gli atti e le dichiarazioni che non hanno un nesso diretto con l'attività parlamentare. Dunque non sono coperti dall'immunità articoli sui giornali, dichiarazioni fatte in riunioni private o pubbliche. Restano fuori dall'immunità anche atti compiuti per incarico del governo. Non è necessaria autorizzazione della Camera per l'esercizio dell'azione penale - modifica costituzionale del 1995 - ma l'assemblea può sospenderla, come per l'arresto, per la sessione in corso. Il presidente della Repubblica è totalmente irresponsabile, ma Chirac ha creato an ad hoc committee to study changes. The ministers can be investigated at any time.
Germany, the same as political officials. In Berlin, members of parliament enjoy immunity for everything they do in their capacity as Members. Can not be arrested or otherwise deprived of liberty without the consent of the Bundestag. And the Bundestag should comment on any criminal proceedings involving a Member. The Chancellor and his ministers are under the general rules of public officials. For their acts of government are granted immunity, but are subject to common law officials. And for acts unrelated to the government does not have any form of immunity. Il presidente della Repubblica tedesca è perseguibile solo per violazione premeditata della Legge Fondamentale. Neanche i giudici della Corte costituzionale godono di immunità e anche loro sono sottoposti al regime dei dipendenti pubblici.
Usa, comitati etici per gli eletti. Gli Stati Uniti prevedono l'immunità per tutti i voti e le dichiarazioni politiche dei parlamentari. Senatori e deputati non possono essere quindi arrestati a meno che per "alto tradimento, reato grave e violazione dell'ordine pubblico". I parlamentari possono essere però perseguiti dai comitati etici di Camera dei rappresentanti e Senato per violazione dei codici etici dei due rami del Congresso. La Costituzione americana non prevede immunità particolare per il presidente and the other members of the government. The Supreme Court ruled, however, that the president has a broad functional immunity due to its dual position as head of state and chief executive. Despite this, over the past 30 years the judiciary and independent authorities have opened investigations against Presidents Nixon, who was later forced to resign for Watergate, Reagan and Clinton.
YouTube - Antonio Tabucchi Schifani Year Zero terminated by February 5, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Utility Van For Queen Size
shares today I found this fascinating:
Among the various hypotheses on the table to deal with the crisis there is economic anche quella della nazionalizzazione delle banche. Lo ha detto il presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi nella conferenza stampa congiunta con il premier britannico Gordon Brown a Villa Madama . "Per ora è solo un'ipotesi avanzata da qualcuno, qualcosa su cui ci stiamo esercitando", ha precisato Berlusconi. Che però successivamente ha circoscritto l'ipotesi, chiarendo che "non riguarda le banche italiane", ma si tratta di una delle "tante proposte sul tavolo del G8". Crisi, Berlusconi: "Fra le ipotesi la nazionalizzazione delle banche" , Feb 2009
You should read the whole article.
What Happens Non Microwave Safe
E 'was approved today by the Council of Ministers, the so-called anti-rape Decree. A rule that will make us sleep well at night thanks to rounds of citizens who should not be armed. It is a sort of curfew against legalized immigrants. I wonder what difference can exist between an armed person and a bunch of people that watch over our safety.
Another rule of genius, and I do not see the consistency with the rest of this Act is lengthening the period in which illegal immigrants can be detained in the centers of identification : no more two, but six months. Identification of centers, is the new name (which follows the detention center, reception center, etc ...) because the Italian camp where they stay, in inhuman conditions, illegal immigrants. A place where these poor desperate people begin to harbor resentment and anger against our "hospitality". Just two days ago, when the fire of the detention center in Lampedusa , we have seen, what can bring this false welcome.
Ronde and lager 'is our security!
Thunder Tiger Victoria
shares today I found this fascinating:
I am writing to urge you to resign in an immediate resignation by the President of the Council of Ministers, and then bring the country to new elections. Yesterday, yet another drop. Mills's lawyer was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison for corruption in judicial acts. Corruption. E 'was corrupted. With $ 600,000. Within 90 days we will understand better his position, Mr President. For now we know that his Fininvest / Mediaset, has paid this money to British lawyer because "the claimed false or silent" processes "All Iberian" and "Guardia di Finanza, which saw it accused of corruption, false accounting and illegal financing. Why then she would benefit them, they come out clean in the meanest possible way: if the matter relatively little bundle pocketed by Mills has emerged from its portfolio, or rotating Previti. Furthermore, and this aggravates the big picture, you have mocked and humiliated by the Italian Constitution the Lodo Alfano, extracted from the national legal system and fleeing the outcome of this and other processes, past and future. Fleeing from an almost certain conviction of guilt. Conduct that she has long pursued, with other "bunker" declared unconstitutional, with the endless series of ad hoc decriminalization of reductions of terms for the prescription, ordering of mutation in the image and likeness of its needs courts. Not even the court of the Consulta on the obvious unconstitutionality of the Ruling scares: where the walls of the bunker collapsed Alfano, only a brand new process, long and cumbersome requirement that will end in math, you can judge for the crime of corruption / Mills. resignation letter to be sent to Silvio Berlusconi (could be used:)) (Banana Republic) , Feb 2009
You Should read the whole article.