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Silvio Berlusconi discredited on the international scene -
[Le Monde]
Silvio Berlusconi has finally acknowledged that the scandals about his life private "harm the ' Italy. "Look through the keyhole is bad for the country," has weighed in Giulio Tremonti, the economy minister, while Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic , has appealed to an unlikely "truce" between the media and Government at the next G8 summit held in the devastated city of L'Aquila (Abruzzo), 8 to 10 July.
accused by his wife - who filed for divorce - to "go to minors", then stated by his lawyer as "end user" of a network of call-girls, finally recognized by the courts as the "corrupter" of his former lawyer David Mills, chairman of the board not to play only his reputation, of which there is not much to save. The Knight must now groped to safeguard the image of Italy which had deteriorated in parallel to his. And his role on the International.
The challenge is enormous. For two months, the international press dispatches of ambassadors and describe a country where public and private scandals linked to the head of the government accumulate. The chairman of the board there is only worried about his own pleasure, while getting young girls in his residence in Rome for a fee, the same night of the election of Barack Obama .
Protected by a law to prevent any legal action against him during his term of office, enjoying of indulgence and the indulgence of some of the Italians, indifference and ignorance of others because of "service minimum "granted to these scandals by a public and private television enslaved, Berlusconi has not much to fear internally. The voices of resignation and the formation of a "technical government" have caused a run at the end of solidarity among those who were given as a possible successor to Berlusconi.
the contrary, the way it is seen by his colleagues he is not indifferent. Berlusconi, who claims to have the confidence of the "62%" of the Italians, now knows that his "charm" has much worse reception on the international scene. Initially, the organization of the G8 in a city affected by the earthquake, which cost the lives of 300 people on April 6, was intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Italian State. Today, it has become a test of the influence of Italy on the international scene, and the estimate of the credit enjoyed by Berlusconi among his colleagues.
His "young and tanned Obama" has no doubt marked the transition from divertimeno annoyance, embarrassment up. We still remember the prime minister, with the phone attached to your ear, wait to German Chancellor Angela Merkel , April 4 during the NATO summit. That day, Berlusconi has not caught up in perhaps the true meaning of the little shrug of the Registrar seemed to say: "Patience, we will do without him."
The last European Council in Brussels sounded the alarm bell. Despite the large victory of his party in European elections and the participation rate to embarrass envy of many other democracies, Berlusconi, without support, was unable to place its candidate for the presidency of the European Parliament as he had promised his supporters. By the way, had to undergo the following comment to two-way Hans Gert Pottering : "Even if someone in our family has a behavior that does not like it at all, it must have no effect on those who did not have that behavior." “Gli scandali di queste ultime settimane non hanno aiutato l’Italia” sottolinea l’inglese Graham Watson, capofila dei liberal-democratici.
Un “problema Berlusconi”? L’interessato continua a difendere il suo stile e la sua vita privata senza apparente rammarico - “agli italiani piaccio cosi”. Le domande tuttavia restano: il tentativo fallito di Fiat di prendere il controllo della tedesca Opel avrebbe avuto miglior sorte se la reputazione di Berlusconi e dell’Italia oltre il Reno fosse stata migliore? Obama avrebbe incluso una tappa romana durante il suo primo soggiorno europeo se il presidente del consiglio avesse evitato di fare una brutta battuta sul neo eletto?
Berlusconi deploys an intense diplomatic activity. After a lightning trip to Washington, receiving Mouammar Gaddafi in Rome, he was invited in Corfu for the Russia-NATO summit. But Wednesday, July 1, canceled at the last moment, his presence in Sirte (Libya) for a meeting of the African Union. He wants to prove that he is still "the friend of all, a hearing officer is rare and that Italy still weighs in international relations.
is not the first time that Berlusconi is facing a scandal and a summit. In 1994, Naples, his first G8 presidency coincided with the opening a judicial inquiry concerning him. Other investigations, other scandals have not prevented some international leaders to attend his villa in Sardinia, the fake volcano and perhaps his strange companions. Fourteen years later, who, in the G8 would be ready to take that risk?
[Original article "Silvio Berlusconi démonétisé sur la scène internationale" Philippe Ridet]
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