complemese Saturday was the potato. 6 months round round! So 'we decided to give her a present! A night out on holiday, but not with us ... grandmother (my mom) ... so in reality 'the gift that we are there we will devote an evening and a night of continuous sleep! What good parents eh?! We shot the gift to our pro .. but depending on your point of view not? So 'we delivered the package patata con duecento borse e borsette alla nonna e dopo un'oretta di spiegazioni sugli orari e le abitudini della piccola siamo stati invitati a levarci dai tre passi per iniziare questa serata a 2! Pazzesco come ad oggi, poter stare due minuti da soli col proprio compagno e poter fare anche delle semplici cose riprendano un gusto ed un'importanza enormi.. Ma io avevo premeditato un po' di piu' e invece di lasciare il programma al caso, avevo acquistato qualche settimana prima un paio di biglietti per gli STOMP al Teatro Verdi (Firenze). Eravamo molto stanchi, assonnati e saremmo stati quasi per prendere le pizze dal Pugi e stravaccarci sul nostro scomodissimo divano a vedere un film (giusto per dire l'ho visto, perche' in realta' ci addormentiamo ai titoli iniziali and we wake up to the end credits ..) Anyway we decided to go 'cause the tickets were also cost 37 euro a head because' drew heels, jeans, bracelets and a little 'make-up, he pulls out the super banana, (ah ah ah ...) (do not think bad ... I meant bananas on his head, the bunch!) and jelly coat and go very light with only a small clutch bag in his hand (me, not him of course) that does not seem true! Are immediately placed on the machine (see post incredibile. .. "I want smart") and being ahead we eat a real Neapolitan pizza from "Vincenzino. Let this little review: Do not ask me how you really call the pizza 'cause we know it has always been the name of Vincenzino, ie pizza, true Neapolitan with golden hands in the sense that churns out more 'pizza night that he can not imagine the place and' little and it 'just around the corner next to the Green Vivoli ice cream, pizza making are only 3: margherita, marinara and Naples seems to me, to drink there are only 2 or 3 things .. you should see the line that there is 'out' cause of course does not take reservations but in half an hour wanting to eat a good pizza is high and only spend a dime! Not bad .. and 20 and enter the 'already' full, but a vacant table peck on the fly, at 20.30 when we go out, there are about 40 people waiting .. crazy .. and the beautiful and 'waiting for hours really well! Anyway coming back to us, we make ourselves comfortable in our place pensando che appena calera' la luce in teatro ci addormenteremo uno sulla spalla dell'altro.. magari anche con la bavetta alla bocca da sonno profondo. Non ci siamo informati granche' sullo spettacolo ma era da tanto che vedevamo i cartelloni nelle varie citta' in cui siamo stati e a NY ci hanno chiesto tipo 100 dollari per vederli percio' avevamo rinunciato.. Inizia lo spettacolo e con nostro stupore quello che vediamo e' un divenire di emozioni, percussioni, movimenti sensuali, ironia e teatralita'. I ballerini/acrobati (anche se e' riduttivo chiamarli solo cosi') trasformano scope, bidoni, lavandini, bastoni o il battito delle loro e delle nostre mani in un ritmo contagioso. Non ci sono parole nello spettacolo ma vi assicuro che non ne servono, in pratica sounds are transformed into a symphony of confusion urban fun and exciting. It 's like if you gave life to mundane everyday objects, turning them into "voices" ironic and overwhelming. The show lasts an hour and a half and it takes a lot. We just watch it all in one breath.
We carry a sentence I read a review of Stomp that struck me:
"... Free, through rhythm, sounds more 'common and therefore more' unknown contemporary era ...."
These words reflect exactly what 'that the show offers. All
satisfied there we go home and sleep almost collapsing on the steps we have given away 10 hours of sleep, ROW .. crazy .. divine .. heavenly!
Grazie Stomp e soprattutto grazie mamma!
( Patata scusaci per non aver passato con te la serata dei tuoi 6 mesi ma pensa che quando sarai grande i tuoi genitori potranno raccontarti un sacco di cose...!)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Love Match With The Same Birthday
I want the Smart!
Last Friday, we found a perfect babysitting. My dad has offered to hold potato! We had a birthday dinner so perfect! We prepare early, rush home at 18. The situation was as follows: You (hubby) Bibe run and prepare to take to the grandfather, while I hold the potato with one arm, I choose the clothes to the other, then I'm in the shower and you keep the potato (now c 'has a period that no one wants to be ... and to hear her desperate cry with tears for fear of "I've got a desire, then who ever does not feel loved and makes me all when in old age will catch me with my arm to go down the stairs and pulls me maybe some spittle in the meal before going down!) then I'll set up her purse while you give yourself to the hair gel .. then loaded everything into the car: potato bag for two hours of vacation with his grandparents, sweaters and jackets for us because running up and down the house we are sweaty as we were in the Caribbean and there is no 'time off to see if is cold or not, so it all away in the car so 'if necessary we dress in layers like all'elementari .. (oh god sorry I've got a flash! Do you remember the game sbarbacipolla?? One would begin to sit on a chair or on a wall, then another went neck to him and then another and another .. up to be a pile of children deficient type 7 or 8 until the first sub did not breathe 'and barely managed to say' bbbastaaaa 'with a weak voice .. then you put one foot in front of everyone and began to pull away first while the other strongly held that because we could not stand ... we finished all moral thrown violently to the ground because usually one standing was the strongman of the class and chubby girls made her fly away in a moment .. I never put your skirt but the more I saw my companions 'underpants Memole times or Mrs. Minu' that will not tell you .. with great mockery of the males who can not wait .. sbucciatissime knees, wrists, torn to landing on the floor or garden and mega Partaccia the director of school or asylum .. the beauty was that nobody wins .. I think thinking about it today, was a perverse game of males to females with a little rubbing in the neck or to see the underpants when skirts went to air on every flight .. that's why to me I never wanted us to do "sbarbacipolla"!) anyway sorry for the digression, but my time was doing the thinking on that game ...! Returning to us, we managed to make us even corsissima two super rockabilly look .. we love your cool! In short, we try to be by my father for 18:50 so bathing, eating, sleeping, the potato in his house otherwise upset when he falls asleep in car and then slammed into the side and the '! That made perfect road map and we get very serene potato makes his bath, pajamas, dinner at 8 and sleep immediately! Super easy knowing we leave a little angel sleeping in my grandparents' house we get to chat with me and having dinner at 21.30 take everything very slowly with the mood on the weekend ... finally! So at nine to ten (sorry all the time, but are critical attention .. then I ask you ..) we start from square area of \u200b\u200bLiberty '. Now for those who are 'in Florence will be' easy to imagine the path that we did to get in via Pisana Sanfrediavino to the restaurant where they held a birthday. We were super early because 'we were already 'drinking a glass of wine while waiting for all the guests and celebrate .. So we get in the way, and that 'full of restaurants and we start with a first round but nothing no parking, very very quiet and nothing we do a second round no parking, but we are determined to stay calm because' end and 'the beginning of the week end, we have no potatoes, we are all dressed up ... we want more 'from life? A SMART !!!!! On the tenth round our faces were slowly changing .. a beautiful pink color to a purplish color Nerino .. hunger, from fear, nervousness stars, heavy air .. horn at the slightest move of the mainsail near a traffic light .. beginning to see the monsters in the sense that the people become the Friday ' evening and even to park and 'willing to sell his grandmother .. we see desperate people living in those parts and make the post from 19 to a place also in the vicinity 'of crosswalks, people who put the dog stopped at one point asking him to hold his place training them to bite anyone who tries to blow the coveted minute space ... mothers to frighten even bring empty cradles in plain sight, hoping that someone may lead the way .. children everywhere that they park on top of each other .. fools, madmen .. Nevruz and 'normality' in comparison to what 'is happening on Friday' night on the streets of downtown, (I think every city ') .. therefore 'moral of the story, at 21.50 we had still not found a c. .. or place, hubby pick up the phone e praticamente urlando avverte i commensali che noi ce ne andavamo via perche' dopo piu' di 50 minuti di ricerca in effetti e' troppo anche per me....e poi purtroppo dopo un'ora e mezzo quasi, dobbiamo riprendere patata e in effetti non ci saremmo manco messi a tavola.. percio' sconsolati, arrabbiati, affamati e in grande ritardo, ci mangiamo un boccone al volo da un'altra parte, soli soletti.. dopo un bicchiere di vino la prendiamo a ridere, eravamo un po' ridicoli e molto buffi.... ma alla fine ci siamo goduti le nostre due ore di freedom!
Get smart take on Smart!
(good eh, I could sell them back to a slogan so Smart '! Register now!)
Get smart take on Smart!
(good eh, I could sell them back to a slogan so Smart '! Register now!)
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if I take it, so I want it 'but'! |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Pleuro-diaphragmatic Tenting
Must haves of the season: Swedish boots ... colorful!
had told me that my friend B. and now that I found a newspaper in all the colors are crazy! Boots made in Sweden, called Hasbeens, to me they are super cool!! I want them too! But the price and 'impossible ... (328 €) among others have discovered a new currency ... SEK ... Swedish currency! On their website they sell them in all variants, there are also striped, all made from leather, there are different heights and then there's the summer version Open behind. Believe me I used to like for the photo projects I have worked and se abbinati nel modo giusto sono anche sexy cool. Io ne ho un paio estivi marroni con tacco altino e non sono neanche così scomodi.. fanno un po' di rumore ma ai miei di "L'Autre Chose" è stata messa una gomma invisibile sotto, altrimenti sai che meraviglia svegliare un bebe' appena addormentato per la voglia di mettersi degli zoccoli con super tacco?!?
Se trovate dei simili così carini ma a prezzo piu' accettabile vi prego scrivete, scrivete, scrivete!!!
Chanel li ha presentati sulle passerelle in vari colori e di vari materiali (tacchi altissimi!!!). In inglese vengono chiamati clogs (termine usato per la versione aperta dietro ma a volte anche per gli stivaletti perciò non si capisce bene..) Li ha fatti anche la Ugg (prezzo improponibile anche loro...) ma gli original sono senz'altro quelli swedish!
E quindi happy hasbeens a tutti!
had told me that my friend B. and now that I found a newspaper in all the colors are crazy! Boots made in Sweden, called Hasbeens, to me they are super cool!! I want them too! But the price and 'impossible ... (328 €) among others have discovered a new currency ... SEK ... Swedish currency! On their website they sell them in all variants, there are also striped, all made from leather, there are different heights and then there's the summer version Open behind. Believe me I used to like for the photo projects I have worked and se abbinati nel modo giusto sono anche sexy cool. Io ne ho un paio estivi marroni con tacco altino e non sono neanche così scomodi.. fanno un po' di rumore ma ai miei di "L'Autre Chose" è stata messa una gomma invisibile sotto, altrimenti sai che meraviglia svegliare un bebe' appena addormentato per la voglia di mettersi degli zoccoli con super tacco?!?
Se trovate dei simili così carini ma a prezzo piu' accettabile vi prego scrivete, scrivete, scrivete!!!
Chanel li ha presentati sulle passerelle in vari colori e di vari materiali (tacchi altissimi!!!). In inglese vengono chiamati clogs (termine usato per la versione aperta dietro ma a volte anche per gli stivaletti perciò non si capisce bene..) Li ha fatti anche la Ugg (prezzo improponibile anche loro...) ma gli original sono senz'altro quelli swedish!
E quindi happy hasbeens a tutti!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Minis Save Data Utility
Oui je suis Catherine Deneuve!
No. ... not at all, but I just set to go to Paris for my birthday because 'I'm breathing this atmosphere of Paris made violet candle and dreamy! Mica Parigiiiiiii oh I'm going to, but rather 'oh I will sleep' two nights of uninterrupted filaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pappacaccapappaciucciodondolino !!!!!!!! You think about it?! And then
vabbe 'these days even if it is after all the potato, for a fashionista like me who was the seventh month of pregnancy at 8 trips between work (a lot) and pleasure (a few) to which they had to say it was the case of stopping ... (The last flight back from NY I cheated on the expected delivery date so the tummy was small and well mingled among the thousands of sweaters ...) take away from the merely good ... I really need! And then lighthouse 'them almost my birthday' with hubby and I will be able 'to go to dinner out to the adult voice for 24 hours straight without the direction of Donald Duck, or any farm animals in the middle of the supermarket, let off steam in a shopping spree without shoulder bags of diapers that fall in here and there 'and then the small hours with no curfew .. etc etc etc ...
And then look what nice there 'in those days in Paris to go see:
Voyage Louis Vuitton Paris et en Capital
musee 'Carnavalet, 23 rue de Sevigne'
until the end of February 2011
Exhibition of historical Louis Vuitton trunks! Romantic is not it? I'll keep you 'certainly updated on the adventures in Paris!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Old Cael Wrestling Shoes For Sale
Dolcimania .. (American taste)
Per questa seconda parte del mio articolo sui dolci e una volta appurata la mia "malattia" per questi, vorrei raccontarvi di un viaggio che ho fatto prima che arrivasse la patata, per l'esattezza l'estate prima che arrivasse la cicogna nella nostra casa.. o per meglio dire nel nostro viaggio dato che patata non poteva che essere stata concepita in USA (2009)...
Estate 2008, io e maritino ci trovavamo pieni di entusiasmo e di energie, leggeri come piume e avventurosi come mai (adesso per tenere una eyelid open after 22 I would take a can of coffee ', to find the strength to tackle a trip like what I did with hubby in singles version we should take a week off first, whereas only leave the house on Saturday it takes between one hour to prepare Bibe, powdered milk, diapers, wipes, which could play bored .. cap that could pull the wind .. body parts that might have it on me .. cover that may be cold ... And God forbid that during the preparation of the bag and the phone rings and 'the mother begins: you've got a lightweight jacket? and then a more 'heavy? and high chair if you go out to lunch? and how, not if you go out from the grated fruit but a homogenized ?????? No mom give her a cupcake so 'will be a happy child !!!!!!!!!!!! I swear that on Saturday and Sunday morning, preparing to exit brambilla are family! And just ready but we are well organized dead tired, sometimes come out 'the potato alone and we will remain slumped on the landing ...) back to us, the spirit was in 'air from Los Angeles and we decided to take the car and go to Las Vegas on 4 wheels instead of' in plane ... Path printed on googlemap, then the tom tom was something too futuristic for us Now I turn it on is also from home to work almost .. and away you go with a single CD in the radio ... looks good on paper but when you realize that the speed limit 'and' the limit of your patience, the third time that the CD again, nerves and bumps you crash against the window but that 'you forget to open .. . and that outside there are 40 degrees or perhaps more 'cause the faranheit I've never understood .. when as they pass the first time you see one, then two, then three, then the various machines on the side of the road with the hood up and so much smoke coming out you will start to come the doubt that is a problem of overheating of the engine having the temperature out excessive and therefore could happen to you at any moment ... finally arriva il momento di una sosta! Raggiungiamo Bartsow, localita' esattamente a meta' tra Los Angeles e Las Vegas nonche' limitrofa a Ghost Town .... percio' mi piace di brutto! Con la mia fedele Lonely Planet guido il maritino verso una specie di fast food... Ecco, ancora non sapevo che quest'esperienza mi avrebbe segnato da un punto di vista emotivo/sensoriale! Ci avviciniamo a questo posto che guardandolo meglio da fuori e' un mega juke box. Entriamo e boooom, back to the 50's!! Vi giuro e' tutto come allora. Sembra Arnolds di Happy days e forse meglio. Le cameriere hanno la crestina bianca in testa e la divisa col nome in corsivo sulla camicetta, tutto e' vintage, colorato, magnifico. Sembra che non abbiano toccato nulla da allora.. pazzesco! Il posto si chiama Peggy Sue e il cibo e' fantastico: cheeseburger come non mangiavo da tempo, patatine con le trine (avete presente quelle ondulate? beh le ho sempre chiamate con le trine da quando ho 4 anni...) apple pie etc etc accanto c'e' anche un negozietto fichissimo con un sacco di merchandising e compriamo un sacco di cose. Sembra che Elvis sia stato li' 5 minuti prima e anche se la clientela e' principalmente formata da camionisti stanchi e bisognosi di rifocillarsi con piattoni generosi e rifarsi gli occhi sulle tettone delle cameriere, mangiamo da urlo e perdiamo piu' di 2 ore a girellare per il negozietto, a vedere tutte le salette del locale e a provare altri dolci da urlo che hanno nel menu'..! Appena usciti siamo esterrefatti e soprattutto ci chiediamo: ma cosa ci fa un diner anni 50' in mezzo al deserto e in una cittadina che sara' stata si e no di 50 abitanti?!!!!!!!! Da quanto ci e' piaciuto ci siamo tornati anche al ritorno e vi giuro che appena tornero' a LA voglio prendere la macchina e andarci di nuovo perche' ne vale davvero la pena!
Da qualche anno in Italia e anche in altre capitali europee va di gran moda il cibo americano, sempre piu' sono i diner (versione moderna dei fast food, molto meno junk food delle grandi catene e solitamente arredati con mobili degli anni 50') e soprattutto vanno di gran moda American desserts. More and more 'often to birthdays of children and even adults are brownies, cupcakes, muffins, cheese cake, apple pies etc instead of our old puff pastry or pie fruit jelly! Think about it! Apart from that I'm a great believer because it 'makes most Americans eat the cakes' special event, you are always saying, Oh well' I eat the milfoil me by Caesar on Sunday morning if I want to .. things instead of foreign countries make you feel more and more 'one more time and make the' special .. I do not know and 'my feeling but here you are a bit' of info from the web that I confirm what I thought!
"arrives in Italy 'Delights Divine ',, the translation of' How to Be a Domestic Goddess', a book that has made a Nigella Lawson foodstar. From classic to cheesecake pie ... Each recipe is' a real discovery ... "
... Needless to say lighthouse 'the race to buy it or I'll do me' gift for Christmas!
California Bakery opened in Milan, lovely little place, where you can find a place ... with a menu 'to do exceptionally especially Sunday brunch, a bit' hard with the strollers' cause strettino .. but all you can 'do! "From just running through the streets of Milan also California Bee, a bee that offers three-wheel GASTRONOMY 'Made in the USA type bagels, muffins, cookies and brownies, and coffee accompanied by centrifugal' American. The bee and 'available for private events! "
the collaboration between the designer Patrick Cox and the French baker Eric Lanrad, was born in London Cox Cookies & Cake, a boutique bakery where taste and see ... unusual cupcake pop art, skulls and all black .. of course all to eat!
E come cantava una grande donna:
''... Basta un poco di zucchero... "
Da qualche anno in Italia e anche in altre capitali europee va di gran moda il cibo americano, sempre piu' sono i diner (versione moderna dei fast food, molto meno junk food delle grandi catene e solitamente arredati con mobili degli anni 50') e soprattutto vanno di gran moda American desserts. More and more 'often to birthdays of children and even adults are brownies, cupcakes, muffins, cheese cake, apple pies etc instead of our old puff pastry or pie fruit jelly! Think about it! Apart from that I'm a great believer because it 'makes most Americans eat the cakes' special event, you are always saying, Oh well' I eat the milfoil me by Caesar on Sunday morning if I want to .. things instead of foreign countries make you feel more and more 'one more time and make the' special .. I do not know and 'my feeling but here you are a bit' of info from the web that I confirm what I thought!

... Needless to say lighthouse 'the race to buy it or I'll do me' gift for Christmas!

the collaboration between the designer Patrick Cox and the French baker Eric Lanrad, was born in London Cox Cookies & Cake, a boutique bakery where taste and see ... unusual cupcake pop art, skulls and all black .. of course all to eat!
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strani cupcake dal web: |
E come cantava una grande donna:
''... Basta un poco di zucchero... "
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thyroid And Blurred Vision
Dolcimania ... (Sugar & Spice) and champagne risotto
And here is a saga of post 3 all sharing the "dolcimania" my folly, my passion, my drug! In the true sense of the word 'cause I really have created dependency on .. I dream of them at night, I bought tons of books, I tried lots of recipes and there's no 'restaurant where I have not tried the dessert .. I have the leaders of the city 'where I usually go abroad for work, ordered by bakery e ristoranti dai mitici dessert, quasi piu' che per i negozi di abbigliamento che devo visionare!!!!
Questo primo articolo lo voglio dedicare ad un posto che mi e' molto caro e che ho 'riscoperto' di recente con grande stupore... Parlo di una american bakery che si chiama Sugar & Spice e si trova in Borgo la Croce, quasi in piazza Beccaria (Firenze). Da poco si e' trasferita qui, perche' quando l'ho scoperta diversi anni fa si trovava in via Fabbroni accanto all'ex cinema Vittoria, molto vicino alla mia ex casina da single! ... (Che anni!!!! Ma chi me l ha fatto fare?????????? No scherzo sono felicissima adesso e forse piu' di prima.. pero' quante scorribande in quella casa!!!) Allora I still was not 'sick' for desserts like today, but after returning from one of many trips to Los Angeles, I literally left my heart in an Apple pie tasted for the first time against my will 'because I thought hate cooked apples ... To my amazement I could not stop eating it, the fragrant cinnamon, caramel made from sugar cane on apples, melted in my mouth, which contained the cake dough was crisp, sweet and light .. seemed pie Grandma Duck ... I thought I would never have found in Italy and I was almost happy because otherwise the game would have been a massacre with the balance ..
Wandering the streets in the car at times improbable, thanks a terrible jet lag, bishop this laboratory reported on the confectionery with a small inscription: "American bakery" .. by immediately attracted by the 'American' (you will discover that the U.S. is my passion super!). I found myself like Alice in Wonderland .. Cupcakes, brownies, cheese cake, but especially those fantastic cakes like the ones Grandma Duck ..! Mickey Mouse when I read it seemed to smell and taste, and steaming hot .. I must say that illustrators were fantastic .. but I did not think they could really exist .. and instead there they were 'in front of me, classic rounded and swollen with Prick all around and filled with apples or berries or cherries .. OMG as the Americans say .. (Oh my god!) I wanted to taste them all!! I make friends with the owner, and 'Ny, lives here with her daughter, are all types of sweets, you know even those such as' the boss of the cakes' that program on sky? It makes me see the photos: cakes shaped like fire trucks, dancers, cartoon characters etc. .. fantastic, but who knows' if it is also good .. convinces her to make me brownies a try and I swear .. closing my eyes I seem to be a hot coffee 'in New York while it's snowing outside .. This lady was in the hands of the ability 'to create objects with a high rate not only for the sensory taste buds .. Just buy an apple pie and a strawberry pie .. I come home I do as she says: 20 seconds in the microwave and scoop of ice cream on ... vabbe 'flight .. veramente.. Da li' il mio rapporto con lei diventa molto assiduo fino ad un punto in cui la perdo di vista per un po'.. Dopo di che inizio a trovare molto spesso il laboratorio chiuso e me ne dispiaccio sempre di piu'.. fino a qualche settimana fa quando una mia amica mi dice di un posto un po' americano che mi incuriosisce. Armata di passeggino, patata e maritino (l'allegra famiglia brambilla..) andiamo a vedere questo locale.. e chi ti trovo? Ma la mia signora preferita! La abbraccio, si mette a giocare con Cloe e mi dice che si e' trasferita li' da poco ed ha cambiato in meglio perche' in questa location ha anche molto passaggio giornaliero! Il nome e' sempre lo stesso Sugar & Spice, dentro pero' non e' piu' solo un laboratorio, ma un vero e proprio localino per sedersi, con sedili cadillac rosa al posto delle sedie, pavimento a scacchi bianco e nero... percio' oltre ad essere una american bakery e' per giunta in stile rockabilly come piace a me! Ci sediamo, non e' molto grande ma troviamo posto per il passeggino e stiamo comunque comodissimi, ordiniamo bagels (ora fa anche qualcosa di salato) caffe' americano e poi ovviamente delle torte da assaggiare.. non si smentisce mai!!! La vetrina dei dolci fa veramente venire l'acquolina in bocca. Sembro Homer Simpson! Anche la patata vorrebbe agguantare un cupcake.. ma forse e' meglio se aspettiamo qualche mesetto!!!! Mangiamo da Dio, compriamo un apple pie da portare a casa e la abbracciamo come fosse nostra parente! La adoro sul seriously! It makes me feel at home ... !
; Home is Where the cake is!
And here is a saga of post 3 all sharing the "dolcimania" my folly, my passion, my drug! In the true sense of the word 'cause I really have created dependency on .. I dream of them at night, I bought tons of books, I tried lots of recipes and there's no 'restaurant where I have not tried the dessert .. I have the leaders of the city 'where I usually go abroad for work, ordered by bakery e ristoranti dai mitici dessert, quasi piu' che per i negozi di abbigliamento che devo visionare!!!!
Questo primo articolo lo voglio dedicare ad un posto che mi e' molto caro e che ho 'riscoperto' di recente con grande stupore... Parlo di una american bakery che si chiama Sugar & Spice e si trova in Borgo la Croce, quasi in piazza Beccaria (Firenze). Da poco si e' trasferita qui, perche' quando l'ho scoperta diversi anni fa si trovava in via Fabbroni accanto all'ex cinema Vittoria, molto vicino alla mia ex casina da single! ... (Che anni!!!! Ma chi me l ha fatto fare?????????? No scherzo sono felicissima adesso e forse piu' di prima.. pero' quante scorribande in quella casa!!!) Allora I still was not 'sick' for desserts like today, but after returning from one of many trips to Los Angeles, I literally left my heart in an Apple pie tasted for the first time against my will 'because I thought hate cooked apples ... To my amazement I could not stop eating it, the fragrant cinnamon, caramel made from sugar cane on apples, melted in my mouth, which contained the cake dough was crisp, sweet and light .. seemed pie Grandma Duck ... I thought I would never have found in Italy and I was almost happy because otherwise the game would have been a massacre with the balance ..
Wandering the streets in the car at times improbable, thanks a terrible jet lag, bishop this laboratory reported on the confectionery with a small inscription: "American bakery" .. by immediately attracted by the 'American' (you will discover that the U.S. is my passion super!). I found myself like Alice in Wonderland .. Cupcakes, brownies, cheese cake, but especially those fantastic cakes like the ones Grandma Duck ..! Mickey Mouse when I read it seemed to smell and taste, and steaming hot .. I must say that illustrators were fantastic .. but I did not think they could really exist .. and instead there they were 'in front of me, classic rounded and swollen with Prick all around and filled with apples or berries or cherries .. OMG as the Americans say .. (Oh my god!) I wanted to taste them all!! I make friends with the owner, and 'Ny, lives here with her daughter, are all types of sweets, you know even those such as' the boss of the cakes' that program on sky? It makes me see the photos: cakes shaped like fire trucks, dancers, cartoon characters etc. .. fantastic, but who knows' if it is also good .. convinces her to make me brownies a try and I swear .. closing my eyes I seem to be a hot coffee 'in New York while it's snowing outside .. This lady was in the hands of the ability 'to create objects with a high rate not only for the sensory taste buds .. Just buy an apple pie and a strawberry pie .. I come home I do as she says: 20 seconds in the microwave and scoop of ice cream on ... vabbe 'flight .. veramente.. Da li' il mio rapporto con lei diventa molto assiduo fino ad un punto in cui la perdo di vista per un po'.. Dopo di che inizio a trovare molto spesso il laboratorio chiuso e me ne dispiaccio sempre di piu'.. fino a qualche settimana fa quando una mia amica mi dice di un posto un po' americano che mi incuriosisce. Armata di passeggino, patata e maritino (l'allegra famiglia brambilla..) andiamo a vedere questo locale.. e chi ti trovo? Ma la mia signora preferita! La abbraccio, si mette a giocare con Cloe e mi dice che si e' trasferita li' da poco ed ha cambiato in meglio perche' in questa location ha anche molto passaggio giornaliero! Il nome e' sempre lo stesso Sugar & Spice, dentro pero' non e' piu' solo un laboratorio, ma un vero e proprio localino per sedersi, con sedili cadillac rosa al posto delle sedie, pavimento a scacchi bianco e nero... percio' oltre ad essere una american bakery e' per giunta in stile rockabilly come piace a me! Ci sediamo, non e' molto grande ma troviamo posto per il passeggino e stiamo comunque comodissimi, ordiniamo bagels (ora fa anche qualcosa di salato) caffe' americano e poi ovviamente delle torte da assaggiare.. non si smentisce mai!!! La vetrina dei dolci fa veramente venire l'acquolina in bocca. Sembro Homer Simpson! Anche la patata vorrebbe agguantare un cupcake.. ma forse e' meglio se aspettiamo qualche mesetto!!!! Mangiamo da Dio, compriamo un apple pie da portare a casa e la abbracciamo come fosse nostra parente! La adoro sul seriously! It makes me feel at home ... !
; Home is Where the cake is!
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the duck grandmother's cake by Sugar & Spice |
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S & Spice Ugar local domestic |
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showcase of sweet |
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furniture rockabilly! |
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the fudge cake! And 'High and all the chocolate! |
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Mitica Grandma Duck! Did you know that there is her cookbook recipes super vintage and scrumptious!? |
Monday, November 1, 2010
Proffesional Football Jockstrap
Friday ' I was very happy. Finally met the family, there was an air of celebration, the weekend is envisaged long and relaxed, so 'with hubby and we ventured into potato via Gioberti at 18 thinking of not finding anyone .... Even on December 24 there 'and all that mess between his shoulder and another, between a Vaffa ... and the other (of course plugging his ears with potatoes ever ..) between the fight for parking and the inability 'to move with the stroller on the sidewalk .... we have reached the oven, then in various shops and finally to the supermarket because we have given birth in the street (oh my God again ?!.... no joke ..) the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking and a homemade white wine seratina etc. . menu ': champagne risotto with smoked cheese and bacon e torta di mele con gelato alla crema (quest'ultima acquistata in un posto fichissimo per il quale sto scrivendo proprio un post che pubblichero' nei prossimi giorni!)
Dunque ecco la ricetta:
160 gr di riso Carnaroli
1 cuore di porro
1 bottiglia da 125 ml di champagne (o prosecco)
5 fettine di provola bianca (piu' un paio per piatto per guarnire)
5 fettine di speck sgrassate
olio sale e pepe qb
parmigiano a piacimento
1 pezzetto di burro (qta' a piacimento)
Innanzitutto accendete il forno a 180c sulla funzione grill, vi servira' dopo per tostare lo speck. Put a little butter in a frying pan over medium heat:
cut the heart of leek with a crescent to chop them completely and put it in the skillet until it soften without taking color:
now it 's time champagne, pour a cup while stirring occasionally:
via via che lo champagne sfuma, versarne ancora fino all' esaurimento, dopo di che iniziare a versare il brodo (io ne ho preparato piu' di 1 lt e mi e' servito tutto.. l'ho preparato con i dadi che non avevo tempo e ne ho messi due per avere un sapore piu' deciso) aggiungere sale e pepe quanto basta:
cuocere per almeno un quarto d'ora mescolando molto spesso e stando attenti che non si attacchi. Mettete intanto 5 fettine di speck tagliate a striscioline, nel forno fino ad ottenere la tostatura desiderata (c'e' che le mette in padella con il burro, tipo bacon..) Verso la fine della cottura versate il parmigiano nella quantita' desiderata e girare.
Mentre attendiamo il riso ecco un piccolo stuzzichino dato che il forno e' caldo: bruschetta provola e speck
Una volta ultimata la cottura del riso questo e' l'aspetto che piu' o meno otterrete:
Impiattate a piacimento, noi abbiamo usato un anello da pasticciere con il riso al centro e le fettine di speck sopra, piu' qualche pezzetto di provola e guarnito il piatto con dello speck crudo e delle fettine di provola, spolverando di grana tutto intorno:
ecco l'effetto finale:
et voila '... very good I swear, we had never done and it 'came really well! There we are all mush and the potato was sleeping ...
The cake was then a scream!
What can I say?! I almost want to go for a cooking course .. were it not for the horrible soup that we have prepared this evening to which we have even added mineral water in the pot after the date that there was little water in the pot .. nauseating ... We have removed all our pride in the kitchen! But we laugh about it and want to 'say that a champagne toast .. what 's left the other night!
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