And here is a saga of post 3 all sharing the "dolcimania" my folly, my passion, my drug! In the true sense of the word 'cause I really have created dependency on .. I dream of them at night, I bought tons of books, I tried lots of recipes and there's no 'restaurant where I have not tried the dessert .. I have the leaders of the city 'where I usually go abroad for work, ordered by bakery e ristoranti dai mitici dessert, quasi piu' che per i negozi di abbigliamento che devo visionare!!!!
Questo primo articolo lo voglio dedicare ad un posto che mi e' molto caro e che ho 'riscoperto' di recente con grande stupore... Parlo di una american bakery che si chiama Sugar & Spice e si trova in Borgo la Croce, quasi in piazza Beccaria (Firenze). Da poco si e' trasferita qui, perche' quando l'ho scoperta diversi anni fa si trovava in via Fabbroni accanto all'ex cinema Vittoria, molto vicino alla mia ex casina da single! ... (Che anni!!!! Ma chi me l ha fatto fare?????????? No scherzo sono felicissima adesso e forse piu' di prima.. pero' quante scorribande in quella casa!!!) Allora I still was not 'sick' for desserts like today, but after returning from one of many trips to Los Angeles, I literally left my heart in an Apple pie tasted for the first time against my will 'because I thought hate cooked apples ... To my amazement I could not stop eating it, the fragrant cinnamon, caramel made from sugar cane on apples, melted in my mouth, which contained the cake dough was crisp, sweet and light .. seemed pie Grandma Duck ... I thought I would never have found in Italy and I was almost happy because otherwise the game would have been a massacre with the balance ..
Wandering the streets in the car at times improbable, thanks a terrible jet lag, bishop this laboratory reported on the confectionery with a small inscription: "American bakery" .. by immediately attracted by the 'American' (you will discover that the U.S. is my passion super!). I found myself like Alice in Wonderland .. Cupcakes, brownies, cheese cake, but especially those fantastic cakes like the ones Grandma Duck ..! Mickey Mouse when I read it seemed to smell and taste, and steaming hot .. I must say that illustrators were fantastic .. but I did not think they could really exist .. and instead there they were 'in front of me, classic rounded and swollen with Prick all around and filled with apples or berries or cherries .. OMG as the Americans say .. (Oh my god!) I wanted to taste them all!! I make friends with the owner, and 'Ny, lives here with her daughter, are all types of sweets, you know even those such as' the boss of the cakes' that program on sky? It makes me see the photos: cakes shaped like fire trucks, dancers, cartoon characters etc. .. fantastic, but who knows' if it is also good .. convinces her to make me brownies a try and I swear .. closing my eyes I seem to be a hot coffee 'in New York while it's snowing outside .. This lady was in the hands of the ability 'to create objects with a high rate not only for the sensory taste buds .. Just buy an apple pie and a strawberry pie .. I come home I do as she says: 20 seconds in the microwave and scoop of ice cream on ... vabbe 'flight .. veramente.. Da li' il mio rapporto con lei diventa molto assiduo fino ad un punto in cui la perdo di vista per un po'.. Dopo di che inizio a trovare molto spesso il laboratorio chiuso e me ne dispiaccio sempre di piu'.. fino a qualche settimana fa quando una mia amica mi dice di un posto un po' americano che mi incuriosisce. Armata di passeggino, patata e maritino (l'allegra famiglia brambilla..) andiamo a vedere questo locale.. e chi ti trovo? Ma la mia signora preferita! La abbraccio, si mette a giocare con Cloe e mi dice che si e' trasferita li' da poco ed ha cambiato in meglio perche' in questa location ha anche molto passaggio giornaliero! Il nome e' sempre lo stesso Sugar & Spice, dentro pero' non e' piu' solo un laboratorio, ma un vero e proprio localino per sedersi, con sedili cadillac rosa al posto delle sedie, pavimento a scacchi bianco e nero... percio' oltre ad essere una american bakery e' per giunta in stile rockabilly come piace a me! Ci sediamo, non e' molto grande ma troviamo posto per il passeggino e stiamo comunque comodissimi, ordiniamo bagels (ora fa anche qualcosa di salato) caffe' americano e poi ovviamente delle torte da assaggiare.. non si smentisce mai!!! La vetrina dei dolci fa veramente venire l'acquolina in bocca. Sembro Homer Simpson! Anche la patata vorrebbe agguantare un cupcake.. ma forse e' meglio se aspettiamo qualche mesetto!!!! Mangiamo da Dio, compriamo un apple pie da portare a casa e la abbracciamo come fosse nostra parente! La adoro sul seriously! It makes me feel at home ... !
; Home is Where the cake is!
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the duck grandmother's cake by Sugar & Spice |
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S & Spice Ugar local domestic |
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showcase of sweet |
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furniture rockabilly! |
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the fudge cake! And 'High and all the chocolate! |
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Mitica Grandma Duck! Did you know that there is her cookbook recipes super vintage and scrumptious!? |
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