Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver(u) Rom

2° incontro 2F - La lotteria

Yesterday, March 14, 2011 2F of pupils had their second meeting of the betting and form tables ....
Here's what they wrote Professor Lina Boccolini:

To answer the question of today, we have theoretically calculated the probability of each output random number from the deck of nine cards from 0 to 9 and then the experimental extractions with 20 for each of the three working groups. We found that the output frequencies of the numbers were different in the various groups and far from the theoretical probability. Considering the 60 drawings in total, we realized that things were going a little better ..... We have collected data constructed tables and the bar charts. To finish the game of the tortoise and the hare. A Wednesday ....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Denise Milani Breast Expanding

La Lotteria

This second meeting saw us struggling with a problem that we faced and solved in small groups. We had to help a "mysterious" mother, who had to prepare a lottery for the parish, linking premiums to more extractions of the numbers 0 through 9, to answer this question:

" Which number from 0 to 9 are most likely to come out , so that Mom can associate a prize of lesser value? "
To do this we calculated the theoretical probability random output of each number and then the experimental probability, making each group 30 draws. We wanted to use the cards we had prepared last time, but we opted for the 0 to 9 cards of the game "UNO", as ours were very crude ....
We collected data in tables of absolute and relative frequencies and compared our results ... we realized that not all numbers had the same frequency in different groups, nor their release was close to the theoretical probability .. .. If, however, putting all the results together, that is, if we consider the results already 120 extractions were more comparable, although there was still a decent variation of "exit" of the different numbers. The data we have then represented by a bar chart is printed on both the LIM through software "Graphic" Site Mathsisfun ..... Then, we had a game at LIM "Catch", we prepared the Prof inspired by the game "Chase me" Site Mathsonline , and even here we could speculate and comment on the fact that the theoretical probability expected very often does not coincide with the real one .... The sound of the bell made us stop .... until Wednesday with a new lottery .....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brazilian In The Shower

I° incontro 2F - 2° modulo

Yesterday, March 11, 2011 Professor Lina Boccolini also began with the students 2F of the first meeting of the second module, "Bets and tables." They too did the placement test and have ventured in different games at LIM on probability.
Here's what he wrote about the Prof. Boccolini

"We started the second module," betting tables and includes a number of activities that will advance the concepts of probability that we will both point theoretically and experimentally. Indeed, we have provided for card games, lotteries, etc. launches. In this meeting I, as well as the placement test, we have rethought the meaning of specific terms of the probability già appresi l'anno scorso, con il gioco della BBC sulla linea della probabilità e poi l'abbiamo calcolata con altri giochi alla LIM, sempre della BBC in inglese, quello delle carte e quello dei pesciolini. Coinvolgente il II livello!! Al prossimo incontro. "

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tattoo And Meningitis?

I° incontro II° modulo "Scommettiamo"

Oggi abbiamo ricominciato il PQM con il 2° modulo, ovvero "Scommettiamo". Questo modulo ci vedrà impegnati con lotterie, scommesse, giochi con carte, con ruote girevoli, lanci di dadi o di monete per approfondire il concetto di probabilità teorica e sperimentale. Abbiamo perciò valutato le nostre competenze sulla probabilità mediante un questionario input, which in part it seemed easy, because we were reminded of the concepts learned in PQM last year, but there were other questions remain unclear. Therefore we have dusted off the concept for an event correctly recognize "certain", "probable", "impossible", reviewed the line of thanks to the play of chance BBC urn with colored marbles. Then we have strengthened the concept of probability and its calculation with two games of the BBC, the extraction of cards and fisheries of fish . Were in English, but we have them easily understood, even learned new words. We were starting to prepare the cards for the activity del prossimo incontro, ma è arrivata l'ora di andar via.... Anche oggi abbiamo imparato divertendoci.... a lunedì....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Is A Fioricet Worth

Auguri a tutte le donne.....

Augurissimi a tutte le donne, oggi e...sempre....

Vi lascio questa bellissima poesia di Madre Teresa di Calcutta:

Tieni sempre presente che la pelle fa le rughe, i capelli diventano bianchi, i giorni si trasformano in anni…. Però ciò che è importante non cambia; la tua forza e la tua convinzione non hanno età. Il tuo spirito è a colla di qualsiasi tela di ragno. Dietro ogni linea di arrivo c`è una linea di partenza. Dietro ogni successo There's another disappointment. As long as you're alive, feel alive. If you miss what you were doing, go do it. Do not live in yellowed photos ... even if you insist they expect dropouts. Do not let it rust the iron that `s in you. Make sure that instead of compassion, take you over. When the years because you can not run, walk fast. When you can not walk fast, walk. When you can not walk, use the stick. But do not hold back ever!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Funny Endings To Letters

Abracadabra .. That magic is with us .. and with his spirit!

Disappeared and reappeared!
I apologize to my readers .. We disappeared for a while 'and obviously not a little holiday to the Caribbean but in order to

trip to Tokyo (not to please you but ..)
TATA suddenly became ill (hope I will not ever!)

(...) So go order at the beginning of February I assign a research trip to Tokyo, you can imagine my joy and my desire not to travel because of time after the first bump and then potato .. The trip consisted of a 6-day immersion in Japan with their colleagues. Without telling in detail the pre-start preparation of thousands of bottles and medicines, and phone numbers attached ovunque di pediatri, nonni, zii e prozii, tute, pannolini, giochi nuovi, senno' la bimba mi odia, etc etc etc ho dovuto fare un bel lavaggio del cervello a maritino, che doveva rimanere al cospetto di patata ienis per tutto il tempo (scortato da nonni, tata, zii e prozii) (ma evidentemente non si sentiva abbastanza sicuro dato che alla mezzanotte del giorno prima della partenza mi ha chiesto, prima di spegnere la luce, di cercare anche il numero di sos tata..). Sono partita senza voler pensare a quello che sarebbe potuto accadere e devo dire che invece è stato tutto molto terapeutico.. patata si è fidata del suo paparino ed è stata un angelo, zii e nonni pronti a preparare succulente cenette al povero maritino solo (ah si e'? ora ve lo mando ogni sera!) (avete idea cucinare per un uomo dopo 6 gg di cene della sua mamma???.... ) tutti che si litigavano patata per portarla a fare giratine nei parchi o per farle il bagnetto angelico ogni sera... Filava tutto a meraviglia fino all'ultimo giorno nipponico, quando una bufera di neve ha travolto Tokyo e abbiamo rischiato di non poter prendere l'aereo il giorno dopo. Appena ho scritto l'eventualita' via sms a maritino la risposta è stata: "tu fai un po' come ti pare, neve o no, se domani non arrivi a Firenze ti trovi le valigie fuori dalla porta! Ps le Chanel le lascio di proposito fuori dalla valigia cosi' si rovinano al freddo e all'acqua..."  aaaaaarghhhhhh what the fuck .. but one can not 'be at the mercy of the weather and seeing undermined their luggage "cultural" in this way .. The fact is that someone up there 'must have read the text messages and phone calls must have turned a blind eye to the coming snow storm. I landed the next day on time. My locker was right, potato was fine, I did a mega smile and I hated it! Hubby was in great shape ... and Chanel were in place! Maybe it's true ... God and 'woman!

Very happy with this newfound independence, I was already 'planning other trips, dinners out of town' and I went with my mind until I went I was a terrible sms broke all my dreams: Thursday 'morning 6.30 am "Hello Julie I have a fever, I'm sick I really can not come this morning .."
A lump in the throat, the grandparents are not there, hubby is out of Florence, thousands of appointments made to work .. and now as you do with the potato?? I was hoping every minute to write that the nanny had recovered and it would come down the chimney with an umbrella like Mary Poppins .. but until the Monday after, this did not happen! Of course, my carefree days in Tokyo were only a week away but they seemed so 'far, so' carefree, so 'far far, so' carefree ... I made the play of incastrini all the time, then you keep potatoes from to from to and I .. ho chiesto aiuto a vicini, nonni, amici, manca poco anche al cane degli amici.... e tutti quelli che se la litigavano quando non c'ero?????? Perche' quando una donna è sola: tanto se la cava è in gamba, e quando un uomo è solo: poverino la moglie l'ha lasciato solo.... Ohhhhh aiutiamolo dai senno' non ce la fa! (e sotto i baffi tutti gli hombres se la ridono perche' in fondo in fondo sanno fare tutto ma in questo modo se la prendono con moooolta calma.. tanto c'è chi lo fa per loro!)

Non contenta del week end lungo con tata malata, la patata ha deciso di ammalarsi il week end dopo! Poverina non credo lo abbia deciso lei ma la voglio vedere come un prezzo da pagare per quei famosi giornilontanispensieratinipponici. I will spare you my anger and my apprehension of new mom .. but I just want to tell you: Saturday, 10-hour Meyer .. looking for charity eh ', eh good for charity' maleeeeeeeentiiiii!
Eventually all right even if he coughs like a bulldog Argentine potato for 4 days and we must do everything from washing the nasal dispenser broncovaleas (which is not a new player in Florence but a tool to shoot something in throat ventolin type!) antibiotic etc etc etc do not eat, it is sad and does not play ... I am dying to see it this way 'but as a pediatrician says must take its course ... Meanwhile mammamammamamma and says all the time and gives me his arms in the air ogni volta che passo vicino.. se mi vede andare a lavoro piange e anche per dormire vuole stare abbracciata alla sua mamma..

Tirando le somme se per 6 giorni di lavoro all'estero dobbiamo poi stare 8 giorni in tormento tra malattie, disperazioni a scoppio ritardato e disagi.. forse è meglio se non mi muovo piu'...

Mi consolo cucinando..
Alla prossima puntata con la ricetta del mio 'Looser Cheese Cake' poi vi spiego perche' d'ora in avanti si chiamera' cosi'...!