Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zig Zag Cigar Wraps Review

Paris Paris!

And as promised here is my story about Paris!
potato the night before we break 'cause we had the plane on Friday' very soon. The mother-in-law seems quiet and hand over one thousand packages of "potato's spank" is not a new cartoon .. This is just my daughter in the meantime from all round potato is turning into a bull-faced square like Spank! Do you remember the dog that almost all white spoke very funny even though I never understood what he was saying? Him! In short, with a heavy heart because it always leave a little 'bad, let's start .. But we need too! In return I am sure we will be better parents! 3 things I want to tell in detail:

1) The tower
2) The Kong
3) The trunks of LV

Well what about the tower, the scene is as follows. Me: "I love but you know that in all these years I have come to Paris on business, I was the Eiffel Tower, perhaps only once!?" He
: "Ah .. So you want to go? Well I've never even seen it closely because it might be an idea! I call a taxi!"
Me: "No no no, but as a taxi in Paris that tourists have to walk wit us! After all, look at the map, we are by Colette on rue Saint Honoré and the crow flies we have it right in front of it, just go right, cut through the gardens and then it's done! "
him: "But I do not seem so close .. but 'if you say you know Paris as your pockets, and here you are at home ..."
Me: "Do you doubt what I say ?????"
him: "Be ever love! Let us set out, however, that c 'is already minus 2 degrees and if it becomes even darker you die really cold. Then you can skate to get you .. "
Leaving Colette 15 hours, arriving at 16.30 to the tower ... I think we stopped to take pictures or observe the landscape or to discuss the history of France Well .... no ! A 'and a half hours of constant walking beside the busiest avenue in Paris, with a wind that cut his face. Totally impossible to speak to us, a dream, then pull out my camera, risk freezing hand with a consequent loss of fingers one by However .. a bridge that met hubby did nothing but look askance at those few inches of the face that remained outside dall'imbacuccamento and say "stop a taxi!" But we have no love later the honor to see where Princess Diana died and he "ecchissene .. Here we go if I die in a car!" But by no soon we will have before us the magnificent Trocadero and he "ecchissene wheels make me dizzy and sick .." and finally, after minutes of dirty looks from the series: questatelafacciopagare vadoinmotoperdueweekenddifilaetimollolapatatadasola .. and half of those words scarves trimmed and frozen ... Finally she, any comment is superfluous and each incazzatura passed instantly. Ps return taxiiiiii but'!!!!!!!

Saturday evening even if I wanted to celebrate my birthday in advance! So We chose a very chic! It is a restaurant on the top floor of a building and is called The Kong. Perhaps because it takes its name from King Kong in the film catches the blonde on top of a building like that? Who knows, the mysteries of the faith! However, it is beautiful, has a glass dome where you see the whole city. We get however a bit disturbed by the reviews we read on Tripadvisor! People who had left us the salary, people who had vomited in the middle of the room .. But I say ... people like you live?? If you vomit in the middle of a room full of people in one of the restaurants' fashion in Paris, I run away from France, change name and I wear a wig to the airport too! Mica write it up one of the most clicked sites reviews! However, we had recommended a very safe source, so the fear of the account belonging salt were not biased! We arrive with the 'top-floor elevator and simsalasbaaam! The social life! Rivers of white wine, beautiful people talking and having fun! Lounge music, all dressed in fashion, ladies who take care of you and make you feel important, is not there even a stroller .. And we can eat at a tiny table without dropping anything, and without removing the knife from the table potato for fear that if they stick in my throat! The view is wonderful and very impressive dome. Fabulous wine and delicious dishes for a final bill that will amaze you does not exceed that of a Florentine trattoria a dinner of steak ... and then suddenly the light, that's what I see engraved on the wall of the building to my left, lit by a soft light as if the apparition of the Virgin Mary, he, like the symbol for all women:

Better than this .. Dining next to the building where inside there will be thousands of those brown bags and so nice to imagine being the man spider climbs and a couple steals (TSI at Christmas time .. would your own convenience ...) did not price!

We get to show the LV trunks in the Marais that I like a lot. I must say exposure very nice! Mustache was a brilliant man if he has managed to create an empire starting its business with the creation of travel trunks and making friends with the celebrities of the time! Just a pity that the exhibition is a little small, even in twenty minutes, we finish the visit. At 7 € per person, are a bit too much in my opinion .. Oh, dear mustache does it all .. Even the air you breathe! But if you happen to Think of Paris, the place that hosts it has a delightful garden and it's all very typically Parisian!

Sorry for the quality 'but I'm not sure he could do the picture because' I have "stolen" Escape!

's mustache, the mustache rather family!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cellulitis Schematics

African sky

Devo fare mille post: 1) sulla nostra fuga romantica a Parigi senza la patata (con rientro disastroso dovuto forse alla sua rabbia per averla lasciata sola senza portarla nella ville lumiere con noi... improbabile ma non impossibile.. o forse ad un virus di stagione.... molto piu' probabile...)
2) in arrivo la seconda parte del post manualepergiovanimamme etc..
3) varie recensioni che vi devo fare...
ma al momento ho dato la precedenza the review of a place where I celebrated the evening of my birthday ... It is located in via Ghibellina
in Florence, "African Sky", as you can imagine from the name and 'an African restaurant, exceptional quality' of food and very nice. The location and 'beautiful, and' at the street Ghibellina more 'elegant and quiet, almost on the avenue, past them' there is always a seafood restaurant and a few months ago two young boys Eritreans have opened this place with taste and quality above all '. As many know, in Florence and 'difficult to understand a new concept and a new kitchen, as we are accustomed to great local food, but if you want to try something different, a spicy and intriguing with a lot of "accommodation" detail and great sense of sharing I recommend you try the African Sky!
We sit in the room at the bottom and reach along the central corridor where there are tables set with cloth typical Eritrean: white tablecloths with colorful stoles super typical of Africa. Our seats are around the tables that look like big jambe ', I must say that was not awkward for me since I'm used to eating on the stools at home with people but if you're young you should not book a table normally. The room where we are and 'ultra-colored carpet on the floor next to these stools and there are wooden tables to support cutlery and drinks. We order the tasting appetizers tipici e poi il vero piatto africano che si chiama zighini'. Gli antipasti deliziosi, ci lasciano in bocca un sapore speziato e ci fanno venire famissima, beviamo birra artigianale davvero buona che si sposa anche molto bene coi profumi e i sapori tipici dei piatti. Dovete sapere che lo zighini' e' un piatto a base di carne ma soprattutto a base di una spezia chiamata berbere'. E' una sorta di peperoncino profumato e ne esistono varie gradazioni che determinano la piccantezza del piatto. Vi assicuro che quello super piccante e' impossibile per noi.. quello che ci viene portato e' medio piccante, ci lascia la bocca infuocata ma e' mangiabilissimo! Il piatto e' fatto da una specie di crespella fatta di farina speciale e acqua, gonfia ma particolarmente leggera, which is put on the meat, vegetables and potatoes in this case. However, there are various versions of zighini '. The nice thing is' you eat with your hands! He tears off a piece of pancake called "injera" sides and "pluck" the amount 'of meat or anything else that you want and take it all away in your mouth! Fantastic .. potato slept bad wit 'it would go to a wedding! The flat 'for everyone, but so great that everyone can' eat in his, without giving trouble to others! Then take a taste of sweet coffee and a 'remarkable given the scent of sage and raisins, is toasted at the moment and is served with pitted dried dates, which are very sweet to my delight! I had never tasted! The ampoule da cui viene versato il caffe' ha uno speciale crine di cavallo all'interno che filtra il liquido.. mi piace troppo stare ad ascoltare i racconti delle altre culture! Facciamo delle grandi risate e anche patata dorme tutto il tempo lasciandoci mangiare in santa pace.. Si sveglia solo sulla fine emettendo il suo nuovo verso/urlo: " aaaaaaaghhhhh " sembra un leone... chissa' avra' sentito il richiamo della Savana!  

The table around which we ate

One of the starters
The zighini '
The Cafe' dates with Eritrean

Monday, December 6, 2010

Does It Cost To Add Party To House Deed

Manual mammegiovanilavoratricifashioniste ... And now part 1

Dedicated to all what we are going through or who like me and we 'already' past and can 'laugh at ....


Q: But her how old she is?
A: He was just 2 ½ years.
D: AHHH I told you love was about 2 / 3 .. when the mother called her and 'out of the water without making a fuss .. And how do for lunch on the beach?
R: But I eat everything, we go to the restaurant and order spaghetti or potato and meat and eat down. Until 'did not finish everything does not get up ..
D: Ohhh ... And then where do you go from here? Back in town 'that the sea stirs the children if they spend too much time?
A: No, in reality 'we end holidays in Thailand, we will stay one week in a resort and let the baby girl to the club's playing and we will do dive all day ..
D: Eheheh ???!!!! Love I told you they were a bit 'strange ...
R: And what was his?
D: 10 months
R: And it 's the first time you see the sea and sand? No because it 's twenty minutes that my daughter is playing with sand tanto che non riesce piu' a respirare..
R: E per caso le avete mai insegnato a mangiare intorno ad un tavolo composta? Ha spiaccicato tutto il panino sul costume di mia figlia che sta piangendo a squarciagola...
D: Grande patata ... anche a me la Thailandia non e' mai piaciuta..!


Telefonata pre-patata:

Mamma: Amore? A che ore ti sei svegliata? Perche' hai questa voce dell'oltretomba?
Giulia: Mamma dai sono ancora a letto. E' Domenica, e' vero sono le 2 ma ieri sera eravamo ad un compleanno e siamo tornati alle 5 stamani..
Mamma: Oddio?? E mica there will be drug addicts? And mica have been drinking ... The kids today do not know more 'fun .. But where will you go 'to finish this world?? But I say .. And we would be in your hands?! Oh GesuGiuseppeMaria ...
Julia: Mom?! but we have only been to a birthday we danced and laughed a lot, guys are healthy, we stopped to have breakfast and then we went home ..
Mom: And you covered? That skirt you had on Christmas he was not so 'long?! Even Aunt Celestine made me out .. "Your daughter is too stripped around ... There are bad things out .. and then gets sick .."
Anyway, we are never to be found .. Your father and I are so 'sad .. We seem to have no more 'a daughter ..
Giulia: Mamma... ehm... ti volevo dire che mi hanno proposto un lavoro a Tokio, parto domani e i telefoni li' non prendono, ti chiamo io quando posso. Ok? Ciao Ciao Ciao, si saluta anche zia Celestina, no non piangere ci vediamo presto...

Telefonata post-Patata:

Giulia: Ciao Mamma, come st..
Mamma: Amore! come sta la bambina?
Giulia: Mamma tutto bene, si e' addormentata adesso, ma ti volevo dir..
Mamma: E perche' dorme cosi' presto? Mica stara' poco bene? L' hai tenuta troppo scoperta oppure l'hai fatta stancare troppo?
Giulia: No no, ha mangiato ed e' crollata, ma..
Mamma: Ma le stai dando cio' che ti ha detto la pediatra? Non I feel grown up at all .. If you fall asleep while eating and it all ends and 'obviously does not grow ... mah not give it all for me .. However, the've organized the birthday party?
Julia: But Mom we are in December and his birthday 'in May .. Rather than next week, and 'my birthday, celebrate with your family?
Mom: I do not know I love to do .. I have to go looking for gifts for the baby .. Then I bring the rides and then I promised to take her to see Santa and then ...
Julia: Mom, however, you would like to say that I have a fever, I feel very good because 'I would like to know if you can keep the baby tonight and then you think that medicine can I take?
Mom: Oh my God!
Julia: What 's that?
Mom: And you could not say before??
Julia: I tried! ... But you did not f. ..
Mom: (Shouting) locked in a stanzaaaa, put a bandana to his mouth and you do not bring the child for no reason at all. They are already 'installed in the car and I'm coming, I'll take the baby!
Julia: Thanks mom. But what can I take to heal?
Mom: Click!

And after these two examples we analyze the following questions:

and the Sixth day God created 'the soup:
the sixth month or so, doctors are starting to encourage mothers ; weaning. encourage them to use the term 'few people know what it means to make a soup broth in a 6 months old baby used to the breast or bottle .. You smashed it on the clothes, find yourself in the pants .. I swear .. in his underpants, and finds it in your hair your child and then never ends .. the pacifier, the spit and remain .. At the restaurant, you become the enemy number one of the restaurants, dishes overflowing mess and throwing the neighboring tables into a beautiful and tasty "Tempestini ... name was never here just as well for a soup.

It is not clear why, but when you go around with a stroller and a baby in tow, we should attract a whole host of people who do not fanno che dire: "Che bel bambino!" "Ah grazie signora" " E non ne fa un altro? Via su, quando ne fa un altro?"...
Un altrooooooooo? Ma io ancora mi devo riprendere da questo! La mia pancia sta tornando decente solo da pochi giorni e dormo ancora con lo scaldabiberon sul comodino.. mi verrebbe da dirle: " Signora ma la notte noi mica si dorme sa?! Si figuri trovare il tempo di fare il secondo.. e anche ad avercene, questo manco parla e cammina e io dovrei riaffrontare tutto da capoooooooo per un secondo? Ma signora lei quanti figli ha avuto? No io non ne ho avuti signorina. Ah ecco! "

Ognuno ha una sua teoria, ma piu' o meno tutti dicono che i momenti migliori sono alla nascita di un bimbo, che e' di tua totale gestione, si ribella poco e non interagisce affatto, permettendoti di scegliere per lui in totale e libero arbitrio. Poi il buio e invece verso i 2 anni la pace dei sensi.. si ricomincia a respirare. I bimbi vanno verso una maggiore indipendenza. Puoi ricomincia a far dei viaggetti e iniziare a divertirti con loro, che iniziano ad interagire maggiormente con te. La notte dovrebbe essere un momento di pace e non una giungla, scandita dalle poppate e dai bibe sul comodino e andare a cena fuori dovrebbe ricominciare ad essere un piacere anziche' una lotta contro il tempo, con la speranza che il conto arrivi molto prima che that pot of sauce you end up on new pants. So we are often a dream that greatly right now. The two-year .. already 'make assumptions about the birthday party. Falls, clowns, giraffes and elephants in the garden hired specifically for the debut 'of your little .. Losing sight of the present, hoping for a better future .. but as we are funny .. we have a hope in the lives of today's baby and now wonder how it will 'tomorrow! It was better before and will be 'better then they tell you all, but I want to enjoy the potato now and in every moment!

seems impossible, but even the most 'sane can not' resist a pair of Nike but just like our version of 10 cm in length ... the concentration from 200 € cashmere cover that makes you so warm in winter. I personally have already 'passed on to my daughter, my craze for shoes .. has a collection of various numbers and colors .. I keep them 'in plain sight, and some maybe not I'll post them to him' never 'cause the numbers of 3 Ugg
over his that WOULD BE just does not seem to marry this summer and with the climate of August .. However it appears that there are shops for children of magic potions, fragrances and colors that will not leave anyone indifferent 'to the contrary, that the dads with their companions, for little children always have a credit card at hand .. I 'mothers drain bank accounts just to have that object so 'delicious that obviously will not be' used but never while exposing it as a trophy in the bedroom .. I could set up a competition .. send me pictures of the collections of shoes for your kids .. so I know that you have plenty of them in the closet!