Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Harold And Kumar Botomless Song

La fortuna e la democrazia

Stamattina pensavo alla mia grande fortuna. Grandissima parte della storia dell'umanità si è svolta sotto monarchie, dittature, poi l'illuminismo, la carta costituzionale americana del 1787 e quella francese del 1791, fino ad arrivare alla nostra attuale Costituzione Democratica del 1946 che sanciva la tripartizione dei poteri, con l'elezione democratica della componente legislativa (il parlamento).
Salvo casi sporadici e l'esperimento Greco, la Democrazia come forma di governo è l'eccezione.
Nei 3000 anni di storia Italica l'abbiamo avuta per 60 anni.
I romani hanno avuto Re, Imperatori, Consoli, Tribuni e Dittatori. Il suffrage was not universal and is too often based on the Census (wealth).
Joining the composition of the ultimate expression of power, the parliament, a body that elects the President of the Republic (a majority of 2 / 3) and the Government, the composition of municipal councils, provincial and regional level is a privilege that my ancestors dreamed about for 3000 years.
Then I use distorted and ignorant of that privilege, to vote-buying, to family values, cronyism, lack of rules in the process of consensus building and information, corruption, in collusion, to private business in public office, the corrupt officials to prison inadequate for anyone who breaks the rules of democracy and I think these people should be born under a despot or under a dictatorship. Yes, because if there is an enemy of democracy that corrodes from the inside and makes it "corrupt dictatorship of the majority" and shows a people in the dark of absolutism and feudal systems, is the lack of consideration of the value of this essential commodity but intangible and abstract.
Democracy is not when you eat, not drink and do not touch it.
breathing. And while there, you do not know of its existence.


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