Monday, October 11, 2010

Preparation H Used As Waist Reduction


Those of you who live in the country and hopes to go will be happy to read what happened to me a few days ago!
Hours 6 am, the potato is sleeping, all is silent, the birds are chirping, the sun is out. It 'really a beautiful autumn morning BEGINNING. I wake up early (too early) but then everyone has children and tells you that we sleep as before, says a foolish thing, anxiety is still there and the nerves do not make you sleep blissfully as 18 years after the seratina yab .. However, down the stairs and go to the kitchen, I open the windows because I need to feel the fresh air on the face, so I'm going to make coffee, put in place Winny Pooh, flip through Glamour and the coffee flows, could be the scene of a movie, everything seems calm and perfect when suddenly my eyes meet those of someone else or be better than another is not just the human race! Ahhahahahahahahahahah I find myself screaming like never before then I take breath and try to lower the tone as if she wakes up the peak after which it screams in two .. a huge snake (even if it were a Biscetti for me I swear it was super huge!) I look out the window, which fortunately is at the top than the room because 'unless it decides to fall down and venirsene for a ride in our hot house I think if they could remain in his position should really be a nice field along with his fellows and but now it is in our midst!! I grab a broom but then I realize that it is useless, then I take a knife, then a stick, even a rolling pin, but I have no courage legs are paralyzed, my heart goes to a thousand, not even I saw Brad Pitt! I do not know whether to open the window or run away but if I turn and I go and he goes into the house and jumps into the pantry in the middle of the cookies?? Oh my God that I have never been a coward and I am also fond of animals but he, not the snake if he could stay home suaaaa??
Obviously the husband in such cases there is never! I decide to ignore the creature, but the coffee begins to go out and the potato starts to cry, I do something I can not stay still as una cretina e penso: Giulia hai 30 anni non puoi avere paura di un serpentino (lunghissimo e viscidissimo)! Sono nel panico piu totale, quando lui inizia a muoversi e oh mio Dio, mi fa ancora più schifo!!!!! Sto per morire .. sbaaam decido di chiudere la finestra .. se ne tornerà da dove è venuto no?! Spengo il caffè corro dalla patata e insieme a lei (bimba di 4 mesi... notare il mio coraggio...!!) decido di andare a controllarlo dalla finestra! E' lì impassibile forse offeso per la finestrata... mi guarda come a dire che brutta sarò io.. sono sul punto di chiamare l'agenzia immobiliare e dirgli che si buongiorno vendiamo casa, causa infestazione di serpenti.. quando suona il campanello e con un soprassalto mi ricordo have asked my father to come and help me to attack the square .. I've never been so happy to see him. I open the door and I dread to read his face so he asked me if I am, are, good and then I start to cry like a fool! There is a huge thing ... there on the window .. He looks incredulous, open, and I do go back. He takes it by the tail and carries it out into the field with great nonchalance ... as if it were lifted from a hair coat! But I say it is true that women are from Venus and men from Mars ... but I will tell .. I prefer to return to the tricks and dolls and potato guys to leave the little creatures Martians (creeping).



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