Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Professional Football Jockstrap

Halloween Weekend Part 2

Proseguendo nella nostra passeggiata, siamo giunti ad un supermarket, Vivi Market, in via del Giglio 20, dove si trovano degli ingredienti inusuali provenienti da vari paesi stranieri. C 'e' l'area giapponese con riso speciale, alghe etc, l'area marocchina con cous cous, l'area americana che e' quella che interessa a noi ed e' piena di salse, preparati per dolci, coloranti e chi piu' ne ha piu' ne metta. Decido che alla sfida cooking mamas (che consiste nell'andare a pranzo a casa di mia mamma e io, mia sorella e mia mamma per la gioia degli uomini prepariamo dei dolci che vengono messi al voto e then we challenge you to shots cakes ...) I'll try 'to make the red velvet cupcakes with the recipe B., purchase because' red dye el 'vanilla extract. With the two valuable ingredients, which in reality 'are also found in other markets, (but he made the discovery that, and' was invaluable to any other type of dinner a bit 'exotic) decides it' now time to to eat (they are 4 ...) and the potato is' woken up and looks at me all bundled up, she is hungry! B. takes us on a lovely little place: Five and Five, in Piazza della Passera. The name comes from the past when you could buy for 5 pounds and 5 pounds of mashed chick. Sandwich with the chick from scream! Salads, cakes, biscuits and vegetable soup homemade. Very nice, looks like a niche French! B. but you know a more 'the devil! Pity that the potato is getting nervous' cause I forgot the cookie to melt into the milk and the smooth Aptamil some day sucks! So 'struggles and I know that you and' made time to go home. We're going to take the stroller now full of bags and bags and the husband makes a gesture that he should not do .... threw down all the packages including that of the market, in a flash I see a red lake! Oh, and you 'cut? You and 'cut the potato? The waiter? Nooooooo red dye for red velvet cupcakes! Oh my God. 'cause when people do these things you want to be singleinvacanzaadIbizacon letueamichedelliceoquandoancorapannoliniebavaglinoneranoancoraneancheneituoipensieriesceglierelescarpegiusteperballarecinqueoredifilaalPachaeralatuaunicapreoccupazione ?????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Anyways
'breathe in, breathe out, I look at the creature in my arm and I think that without him there would be this masterpiece ... 'cause I surprised him by telling him calmly and with a sweet smile and firm, that does nothing, not' nothing happened ... Petrified he feels and tells the waiter that we hit in the meantime and 'thrilled and if not understanding' blood or something, who wants to clean him. We both bow and oh my God does not come off!! The floor and 'brick and are embarrassed .. But what you realize there are these ingredients in your belly?! But they are so 'good ... We go fast 'cause the waiter nods do not bother to think of him! We beat it too much to laugh 'cause the goal of the day was just what di recuperare gli ingredienti per fare i red cupcakes e dopo tanto camminare il "red" era tutto sul pavimento del locale! Vabbe' spero solo che ci facciano tornare nel posto perche' e' molto carino! Imperterriti vogliamo fare un ultimo giretto tanto e' di strada per tornare alla macchina! Dai patata resisti, un giorno sarai tu a trattenermi nei negozi ad oltranza.. rendimi per ora il favore no?! E si vede che accetta il compromesso perche' appena rimessa nel suo Bugaboo se ne sta quieta e ci lascia fare! Arriviamo in via de' Ginori ad un negozio vintage, Melrose, che vende la merce al kilo. Ci perdiamo tra i capi usati e trovo anche un paio di pantaloni militari.. a 20 euro! E' proprio l'ora di andare, sta per diluviare (ilmeteo.it non sbaglia mai!) look at me and hubby and little altered, but enjoy! I think the challenge mamas cooking with my mom and my sister will go 'postponed'm too tired to start cooking and then without the precious ingredient .... how?! And from D. reveals that in effect 'broke it on purpose the red dye to order two pizzas and finish our Saturday together on the couch without feeling arrabattare with pans, ladles and whisks?
Ok tomorrow to lunch by their mother will bring the sweets of Caesar (one of the most 'good cake shops in Florence ..) and certainly we'll taste them all the same! How come before any kind of dessert we will combine the beautiful women and ... the red?!


                                               CINQUE E CINQUE



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